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[PAID] Need classifieds addon modified

Ohio Guns

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I'm using a classified by Adriano and its almost exactly what I need. However the feature im missing is coming at a later date but I need it now to get my site back up and running again all the way from the conversion from XF.

Anyway what I need is for the front page to list all the classifieds from the categories. They should have the same layout as they would if you were viewing the category page and the listings were there.

Willing to pay to make this happen. If you need anything else or more info just let me know.

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5 minutes ago, Ohio Guns said:

Anyway what I need is for the front page to list all the classifieds from the categories. They should have the same layout as they would if you were viewing the category page and the listings were there.

Still not sure what you want.

So the categories displays 25 records per page. Say you have 4 categories with only one page each, so you want to display 100 records in the index as if it was a category view?

Is that what you want?

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The index page currently supports like 3 blocks right? A whats new, expiring soon and I think categories.So instead of blocks that scroll side to side which is hard to see on mobile, it should simply list the most recent (say 15 total) postings from all the categories on the index.

So if I have 5 categories, the front page would list the most recent from all 5 categories up to a total of 15.

For example if you have 15 of the most recent advertisements split up in to different categories

Category 1 - New Post 1, New Post 3, New Post 4, New Post 10, New Post 11
Category 2 - New post 2, New Post 5, New Post 7
Category 3 - New post 6
Category 4 - New post 12, New Post 13
Category 5 - New post 8, New post 9, New post 14, New Post 15

The main index page would then display those 15 listings. But not in a block. It would display them all like the category view where they are in neat easy to scroll rows.

I dont know if this helps, but I've recent switched from XenForo where I was using a (https://xenforo.com/community/resources/goodfornothing-classifieds.4438/) classified addon. I've attached the screenshot of how the index page was simply the most recent listings from all the categories. (PS: Your classified addon is way, way better)


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