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Commerce Issue

Lenny Warren

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Ok, this is causing me a problem in Commerce.

I use three currencies, GBP, EUR and USD. If I only enter a price in GBP, and my members then changes to view in EUR or USD the item comes up as $0.00. If they try to buy they get an error.

Is there a way that the members can only see the currencies that I fill a value in?

Or, what would be even better, an API that links currency converter such as XE.com so that approx values are added, just like in ebay?

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There's a related bug, I guess. On Downloads, if the file submitter sets a price in one currency but not in another, anyone can simply change the language (currency) and download the file for free. ^_^




FWIW, that doesn't happen on Store... you add a Currently unavailable message there and user can't add the product to the car.

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5 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

There's a related bug, I guess. On Downloads, if the file submitter sets a price in one currency but not in another, anyone can simply change the language (currency) and download the file for free. ^_^




FWIW, that doesn't happen on Store... you add a Currently unavailable message there and user can't add the product to the car.

That's brilliant.  I'm totally going on a shopping spree in the IPS Marketplace.  

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