Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
Posted July 6, 20168 yr Do test your site After the upgrade 4.1.13 I was surprised pleasantly. Fall 3 points... I noticed too many errors in the validation of CSS. These errors will they be removed? Should there be a message in the bug tracker? W3C CSS Validationx ? 101 error(s), 376 warning(s) http://your sait/uploads/css_built_15/341e4a57816af3ba440d891ca87450ff_framework.css.8c4eb58e083fc85b58b245fcd61502e7.css?v=d0e3cb0d7b: 91 error(s) Line 1 [invalidparam] : Sorry, the at-rule @-webkit-keyframes is not implemented. Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsApp .ipsButton): Property user-select doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsTooltip.ipsComment_inlineQuoteTooltip): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: auto Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsAttachment_dropZone *): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsAttachment_dropZone a, .ipsAttachment_dropZone .moxie-shim, .ipsAttachment_dropZone .moxie-shim *): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: auto Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .fa): Property text-rendering doesn't exist : Skipped: auto Line 1 [parse-error] (context: :root .fa-rotate-90, :root .fa-rotate-180, :root .fa-rotate-270, :root .fa-flip-horizontal, :root .fa-flip-vertical): Property filter doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsApp select[disabled]): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsApp .ipsField_autocomplete.ipsField_autocompleteDisabled): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] : Feature -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio doesn't exist for media screen Skipped: ), (min-resolution:192dpi){.ipsApp .ipsField_loading{background-image:url( "http://your sait/uploads/set_resources_15/cf5a1e7fc191338071d07df134b620d0_tiny_loading@2x.gif" );}} Line 1 [parse-error] (context: input[type="checkbox"]:disabled + .ipsToggle:not([data-ipstooltip])): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsToggle span): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsField_yesNo label): Property whitespace doesn't exist : Skipped: no-wrap Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsCustomInput > span): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] (context: [type="url"], [type="tel"], [type="email"], [type="number"], [type="search"], [type="password"], [type="datetime"], [type="datetime-local"], [type="date"], [type="week"], [type="month"], [type="time"]): Parse Error Skipped: []] Line 1 [parse-error] (context: [type="url"], [type="tel"], [type="email"], [type="number"], [type="search"], [type="password"], [type="datetime"], [type="datetime-local"], [type="date"], [type="week"], [type="month"], [type="time"]): Parse Error Skipped: ]), html[dir="rtl"] .ipsField_stackItem select, html[dir="rtl"] .ipsField_stackItem textarea{margin-right:36px;} Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsSelectTree.ipsSelectTree_disabled, .ipsSelectTree.ipsSelectTree_disabled .ipsSelectTree_expand): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] (context: html[dir="rtl"] i.fa[class$="-right"], html[dir="rtl"] i.fa[class$="-left"], html[dir="rtl"] i.fa[class$="-reply"], html[dir="rtl"] i.fa[class$="-forward"], html[dir="rtl"] i.fa[class$="-backward"]): Property filter doesn't exist : Skipped: FlipH Line 1 [parse-error] : Feature -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio doesn't exist for media screen Skipped: ), (min-resolution:192dpi){html[dir="ltr"] .ipsApp .ipsStepBar > .ipsStep > a, html[dir="ltr"] .ipsApp .ipsStepBar > .ipsStep > span{background-image:url( "http://your sait/uploads/set_resources_15/d0e70b4cbb9ab8afb1bc1065a3f8487a_wizard_step_large@2x.png" );}html[dir="rtl"] .ipsApp .ipsStepBar > .ipsStep > a, html[dir="rtl"] .ipsApp .ipsStepBar > .ipsStep > span{background-image:url( "http://your sait/uploads/set_resources_15/d0e70b4cbb9ab8afb1bc1065a3f8487a_wizard_step_large_rtl@2x.png" );}html[dir="ltr"] .ipsApp .ipsStepBar > .ipsStep + .ipsStep.ipsStep_active:after{background-image:url( "http://your sait/uploads/set_resources_15/d0e70b4cbb9ab8afb1bc1065a3f8487a_wizard_step_extra@2x.png" );}html[dir="rtl"] .ipsApp .ipsStepBar > .ipsStep + .ipsStep.ipsStep_active:after{background-image:url( "http://your sait/uploads/set_resources_15/d0e70b4cbb9ab8afb1bc1065a3f8487a_wizard_step_extra_rtl@2x.png" );}html[dir="ltr"] .ipsApp .ipsDataItem_subList{background-image:url( "http://your sait/uploads/set_resources_15/d0e70b4cbb9ab8afb1bc1065a3f8487a_subitem_stem@2x.png" );}html[dir="rtl"] .ipsApp .ipsDataItem_subList{background-image:url( "http://your sait/uploads/set_resources_15/d0e70b4cbb9ab8afb1bc1065a3f8487a_subitem_stem_rtl@2x.png" );}} Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsMenu_itemDisabled > a, .ipsMenu_itemDisabled > span): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsMenu_topLeft:after, .ipsMenu_topRight:after, .ipsMenu_topCenter:after, .ipsMenu_bottomLeft:after, .ipsMenu_bottomRight:after, .ipsMenu_bottomCenter:after, .ipsMenu_topLeft:before, .ipsMenu_topRight:before, .ipsMenu_topCenter:before, .ipsMenu_bottomLeft:before, .ipsMenu_bottomRight:before, .ipsMenu_bottomCenter:before): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] : Parse Error Skipped: [:not('.ipsButton')] Line 1 [parse-error] : Parse Error Skipped: [:not('.ipsButton')] Line 1 [invalidparam] : Sorry, the at-rule @-webkit-keyframes is not implemented. Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsFaded_unavailable): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsSticky.ipsSticky_top:before): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsSticky.ipsSticky_bottom:before): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsCarousel_shadow): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsCoverPhoto_container:after): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsCoverPhoto_container:after): attempt to find a semi-colon before the property name. add it Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsCoverPhoto_container:after): Property progid doesn't exist : Skipped: DXImageTransform Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsCoverPhoto_container:after): Parse Error Skipped: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#00333333', endColorstr='#333333',GradientType=0 ); Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsCoverPhoto_container:after): Parse Error Skipped: ;} Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsHovercard:not(.ipsHovercard_noStem) .ipsHovercard_stem): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsHovercard_loading): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsTooltip): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsTooltip): Property user-select doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsEmbedded): Parse Error Skipped: ;*width:100%; Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsEmbedded): Parse Error Skipped: ;} Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsStream_withTimeline .ipsStreamItem.ipsStreamItem_contentBlock:before, .ipsStream_withTimeline .ipsStreamItem.ipsStreamItem_contentBlock:after): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] : Parse Error Skipped: [.ipsBadge] Line 1 [parse-error] : Parse Error Skipped: [ )] Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsType_break): break-word is not a word-break value : Skipped: break-word http://your sait/uploads/css_built_15/05e81b71abe4f22d6eb8d1a929494829_responsive.css.7541cb90494702defb8c5ecef0093b54.css?v=d0e3cb0d7b: 4 error(s) Line 1 [parse-error] (context: code, pre): break-word is not a word-break value : Skipped: break-word Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsPagination .ipsPagination_active): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .ipsPagination > li.ipsPagination_inactive): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: none Line 1 [parse-error] (context: a.ipsAttachLink_image[data-ipslightbox]): Property pointer-events doesn't exist : Skipped: none http://your sait/uploads/css_built_15/97c0a48072ce601c9764cb6b00a6588a_page.css.b0c21164ed8dfd28a12261fb3e4a8f39.css?v=d0e3cb0d7b: 1 error(s) Line 1 [parse-error] (context: .sbr): Value Error : background-repeat (nullcolors.html#propdef-background-repeat) top is not a background-repeat value : Skipped: no-repeat top left http://your sait/uploads/css_built_15/20446cf2d164adcc029377cb04d43d17_flags.css.39ef75b9b8ecefa98aef238b049458c1.css?v=d0e3cb0d7b: 1 error(s) Line 1 [parse-error] : Feature -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio doesn't exist for media null Skipped: ), (min-resolution:192dpi){.ipsFlag{background:url("http://your sait/uploads/set_resources_15/84c1e40ea0e759e3f1505eb1788ddf3c_flags32.png") no-repeat;background-size:16px 3968px;}}
July 6, 20168 yr I haven't looked through that whole list, but the ones that I can see are false negatives - the validator is wrong, not the code. @-webkit-keyframes is perfectly valid (for webkit browsers), as is user-select and pointer-events.
July 6, 20168 yr Sucks again, I myself got more then before. Allot more. I can fix half of the problems anyway.
July 6, 20168 yr We are not overly concerned with CSS validation. The errors you pasted are: 1. In 3rd party CSS files, or 2. Rules that are implemented by browsers but not yet in the standards, or 3. Vendor-specific rules Validating CSS is largely meaningless and in no way is a measure of the quality of any particular CSS or, indeed, the product as a whole
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