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Date format


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You can change it in your: acp >> customization >>languages >> select your language

Search to date.

(I've done it this way, check also your mobile version if you are done if all is well)

(1) Find this:  _date_day_and_month

{!1#[1:January][2:February][3:March][4:April][5:May][6:June][7:July][8:August][9:September][10:October][11:November][12:December]} {0#}

Change to: 

{0#} {!1#[1:January][2:February][3:March][4:April][5:May][6:June][7:July][8:August][9:September][10:October][11:November][12:December]} 


(2)Find this:  _date_last_year_long

{!1#[1:January][2:February][3:March][4:April][5:May][6:June][7:July][8:August][9:September][10:October][11:November][12:December]} {0#}, %s

Change to: 

{0#} {!1#[1:January][2:February][3:March][4:April][5:May][6:June][7:July][8:August][9:September][10:October][11:November][12:December]}, %s


(3) Find this:  _date_last_year_short

{!1#[1:Jan][2:Feb][3:Mar][4:Apr][5:May][6:Jun][7:Jul][8:Aug][9:Sep][10:Oct][11:Nov][12:Dec]} {0#}, %s

Change to: 

{0#} {!1#[1:Jan][2:Feb][3:Mar][4:Apr][5:May][6:Jun][7:Jul][8:Aug][9:Sep][10:Oct][11:Nov][12:Dec]}, %s


(4) Find this:  _date_this_year_long

{!1#[1:January][2:February][3:March][4:April][5:May][6:June][7:July][8:August][9:September][10:October][11:November][12:December]} {0#}

Change to: 

{0#} {!1#[1:January][2:February][3:March][4:April][5:May][6:June][7:July][8:August][9:September][10:October][11:November][12:December]} 


(5) Find this:  _date_this_year_short

{!1#[1:Jan][2:Feb][3:Mar][4:Apr][5:May][6:Jun][7:Jul][8:Aug][9:Sep][10:Oct][11:Nov][12:Dec]} {0#}

Change to: 

{0#} {!1#[1:Jan][2:Feb][3:Mar][4:Apr][5:May][6:Jun][7:Jul][8:Aug][9:Sep][10:Oct][11:Nov][12:Dec]} 



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5 minutes ago, marklcfc said:

Wow thanks, I've just gone into languages and created a new language for united kingdom and it fixed it without doing that though ^_^

It uses the language's locale by default. You only need to do all the fancy settings if you want to override the defaults.

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I must say on the date/time display it's a massive shame I can't edit how the date/time is displayed. In busy topic, there's going to be no end of posts that say 1 hour ago, 2 hours ago etc but no specific time. Today,  09:49 PM is better.

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5 minutes ago, Charles said:

It uses the language's locale by default. You only need to do all the fancy settings if you want to override the defaults.


After a upgrade (not sure witch ones) it was on US style by my Dutch language. 

At that moment, nothing was translated in my Dutch translation. 

This was the only way to get it right for my.

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3 hours ago, marklcfc said:

I must say on the date/time display it's a massive shame I can't edit how the date/time is displayed. In busy topic, there's going to be no end of posts that say 1 hour ago, 2 hours ago etc but no specific time. Today,  09:49 PM is better.

I agree fully with this.

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We sometimes have upto 1000 replies in a topic during one day, if someone looks back at the topic and wants to read posts from 3pm - 5pm how can they do this when all it says is June 6. No ones going to hover over the date link page after page to find the time of the posts

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