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\IPS\Content\Search\Query how to edit where clause?


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I am finding into a way to access on where property (without extend class) but i have not found any way.

$query = \IPS\Content\Search\Query::init()->setOrder( \IPS\Content\Search\Query::ORDER_NEWEST_UPDATED );
foreach ( \IPS\Application::allExtensions( 'core', 'ContentRouter', FALSE ) as $object )
	foreach ( $object->classes as $class )
		if ( in_array('IPS\Content\Polls',class_implements($class)) )
			$filters[] = \IPS\Content\Search\ContentFilter::init( $class, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE );
$results = $query->filterByContent($filters)->search();

I would:

$this->where[] = $class::$databaseTable . '.' . $class::$databasePrefix . $class::$databaseColumnMap['poll'] . '>=' . intval( 1 );


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$select = 'core_polls.*';
$join = array();
foreach ( \IPS\Content::routedClasses( FALSE, FALSE, TRUE ) as $class )
	/*FIX, @TODO when __callStatic on IPS\cms\Records1 call the __construct or fix the hook97 "records.php"*/
	if(mb_strpos($class,'IPS\cms\Records') !== FALSE and is_numeric( mb_substr( $class, 15, 1 ) ))
		if(!in_array('\\IPS\cms\\Records', get_declared_classes()))
			new $class;
	if ( in_array('IPS\Content\Polls',class_implements($class)) AND isset($class::$databaseColumnMap['poll']))
		$join[] = array($class::$databaseTable, $class::$databaseTable . '.' . $class::$databasePrefix . $class::$databaseColumnMap['poll'] . '=core_polls.pid');
		$select .= ', CONCAT("'.\IPS\Db::i()->escape_string($class).'") as item_class, '.$class::$databaseTable . '.' . $class::$databasePrefix . $class::$databaseColumnId.' as item_id';
$query = \IPS\Db::i()->select( $select, 'core_polls' );
foreach($join as $j)
$results = array();
foreach ($query as $k => $r)
	if($r['item_class'] AND $r['item_id']){
		$r['item'] = $r['item_class']::load($r['item_id']);
	$results[] = $r;


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