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Pages - categories block - friendly URL


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Dear all,

I was asked from client support tickets to post my request here:

In pages is it possible to add an categories menu block - at the bottom is a link with "show all categories

When you click on it - the url is not set as friendly url - i get instead:


Could somebody tell me please what is needed "real url" and what would be the correct "friendly URL" to get:



Thanks in advance & regards,


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Thanks for your idea - but i would like to have the records shown as articles with some modified templates to get a modern and not forum like style


Ticket support team told that is a logical addition and it may be considered here - i tried with some urls but no effect :no:

Normally it should work with the friendly url feature in ACP/system -  but i do not know which is the correct app, module name & which controller this block use in background :question:

in the real url it must be something like:

/index.php?app=pages (or core or smilar)&module=pages (or core or smilar)&controller=browse&do (or other controller)=categories

at the friendly url must be also something between:


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