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Its possible some of the mails are going to Junk, I know some of mine are on o365 hosting (which will probably happen on outlook.com/hotmail.com as well) since they moved to SparkHost.

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Thanks Zero,

It's actually on my own forum where it's happening that I noticed.  It's only the red alert browser notifications that I am concerned with.

On another topic, do you rate SparkPost? I was looking at using them to help get more of our email activation emails through to members.  Currently a lot of appearingly genuine people don't verify.

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17 minutes ago, Stormlilly said:

Thanks Zero,

It's actually on my own forum where it's happening that I noticed.  It's only the red alert browser notifications that I am concerned with.

On another topic, do you rate SparkPost? I was looking at using them to help get more of our email activation emails through to members.  Currently a lot of appearingly genuine people don't verify.

Oh so in browser notifications are not working. Not sure then sadly.

Regarding SparkPost, I have an account with both them and SendGrid and I honestly wouldnt rate either over Mandrill. We had a paid dedicated ip from Sendgrid and o365/outlook was throwing the lot in the Junk folder even though I manually warmed the ip and as a lot of our user base is office 365 it was a big problem so we stayed on Mandrill with our own dedicated ip. We are still vb so I hacked my own plugin to send important mail through Mandrill while other notification emails went through Sendgrid to prevent issues with important mail but it didn't really help and the ip they gave seemed to have been used in the past and had been marked with a poor rep. I noticed when IPB switched to Sparkpost as all the mail they sent went to Junk initially but now it seems about 25-50% of it does as I think they have a dedicated ip now. With sparkpost having such generous *free* mail limits I am going to avoid them for now unless we went with a dedicated ip there. Mandrill will have cleaned out a lot of those freebie accounts now so they should actually get better.

In an ideal world you would send important mails through Mandrill and others through a cheaper provider getting the best of both worlds but I also think setting up your own vps to send important mail wouldnt hurt, I just have not written a plugin to do that on IPB yet only vbulletin.


EDIT: Nope ipb are not using a dedicated SparkPost ip (unless its a pool) which is why some of the mail is getting junked and others aren't. Not using a dedicated ip will always have issues with deliveribilty especially with @outlook.com or o365 users. Gmail seems to care less though and Yahoo is a mess at the best of times.

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1 hour ago, ZeroHour said:

Oh so in browser notifications are not working. Not sure then sadly.

Regarding SparkPost, I have an account with both them and SendGrid and I honestly wouldnt rate either over Mandrill. We had a paid dedicated ip from Sendgrid and o365/outlook was throwing the lot in the Junk folder even though I manually warmed the ip and as a lot of our user base is office 365 it was a big problem so we stayed on Mandrill with our own dedicated ip. We are still vb so I hacked my own plugin to send important mail through Mandrill while other notification emails went through Sendgrid to prevent issues with important mail but it didn't really help and the ip they gave seemed to have been used in the past and had been marked with a poor rep. I noticed when IPB switched to Sparkpost as all the mail they sent went to Junk initially but now it seems about 25-50% of it does as I think they have a dedicated ip now. With sparkpost having such generous *free* mail limits I am going to avoid them for now unless we went with a dedicated ip there. Mandrill will have cleaned out a lot of those freebie accounts now so they should actually get better.

In an ideal world you would send important mails through Mandrill and others through a cheaper provider getting the best of both worlds but I also think setting up your own vps to send important mail wouldnt hurt, I just have not written a plugin to do that on IPB yet only vbulletin.


EDIT: Nope ipb are not using a dedicated SparkPost ip (unless its a pool) which is why some of the mail is getting junked and others aren't. Not using a dedicated ip will always have issues with deliveribilty especially with @outlook.com or o365 users. Gmail seems to care less though and Yahoo is a mess at the best of times.

Thank you so much for taking the time to share this with me, I appreciate it.  You just saved me from a tonne of work. 

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