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Amazon CloudSearch Integration


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Has anyone out there tried to build an Amazon CloudSearch integration into their forums? We've been using a Google Custom Search for a while, and while it gives better results than fulltext, they still aren't great (particularly due to pagination and lack of the ability to change the weighting of various fields). Invision has indicated that they may add an AWS CloudSearch integration feature in the future, but software development being what it is I'm not going to hold my breath for seeing it this decade ^_^, search is not one of their priorities. It is, however, one of mine! I've got fifteen years worth of posts that don't fit into the usual "the most recent is the best" model typical of other forums. Google site search gives excellent results for our public forums, but doesn't help with private at all, and doesn't know anything about pagination so when the hit is in the topic title you get every individual page as a result. Obviously not ideal!

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I was thinking of each forums post as a document, no? The API certainly made it look like CloudSearch was what I was looking for. Use the PID as the unique identifier of each record, attach a text field to it for the post, an int for the author, a text array for the tags, a date field for the post date, and an array of permissions data. I don't see how to do anything like that in ElasticSearch.

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