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No more support for PHP 5.4

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Why is IPS stopping with supporting PHP 5.4??

Look at this website : http://w3techs.com/technologies/details/pl-php/5/all

There you how many servers use PHP version 5. (total 80,9% of all servers)

Version 5.0 is used by less than 0,1%
Version 5.1 is used by 0,8%
Version 5.2 is used by 11,3%
Version 5.3 is used by 31,7%
Version 5.4 is used by 29,7%
Version 5.5 is used by 18,4%
Version 5.6 is used by 8,5%
Version 5.7 is used by less than 0,1%

Please can someone tell me why IPS is stopping with the support. Why are going to let 29,7% of there clients go???



Important Note

This is the last release that will support PHP 5.4 as it is end of life and no longer supported by PHP.

Please also note that PHP 5.5 goes full end of life in July 2016 so you should look into upgrading if your web host is using outdated versions. We will not immediately stop supporting PHP 5.5 in July but it may follow soon after.


45 minutes ago, Henk Bartels said:


Why is IPS stopping with supporting PHP 5.4??

Look at this website : http://w3techs.com/technologies/details/pl-php/5/all

There you how many servers use PHP version 5. (total 80,9% of all servers)

Version 5.0 is used by less than 0,1%
Version 5.1 is used by 0,8%
Version 5.2 is used by 11,3%
Version 5.3 is used by 31,7%
Version 5.4 is used by 29,7%
Version 5.5 is used by 18,4%
Version 5.6 is used by 8,5%
Version 5.7 is used by less than 0,1%

Please can someone tell me why IPS is stopping with the support. Why are going to let 29,7% of there clients go???


I'll ask you another question.

Why have the PHP Team stopped supporting php 5.4 a long time ago? You want IPS to support a version of PHP that does not have security updates anymore?

Those stats tell me one thing, there's a lot of slacking and dis-respect for customer safety by a good amount of webhosts!

4 hours ago, Henk Bartels said:


Why is IPS stopping with supporting PHP 5.4??

Look at this website : http://w3techs.com/technologies/details/pl-php/5/all

There you how many servers use PHP version 5. (total 80,9% of all servers)

Version 5.0 is used by less than 0,1%
Version 5.1 is used by 0,8%
Version 5.2 is used by 11,3%
Version 5.3 is used by 31,7%
Version 5.4 is used by 29,7%
Version 5.5 is used by 18,4%
Version 5.6 is used by 8,5%
Version 5.7 is used by less than 0,1%

Please can someone tell me why IPS is stopping with the support. Why are going to let 29,7% of there clients go???


That is not an official repo from Centos. Remi just backported some security fixes from the 5.5 branch. PHP Team have left support for PHP 5.4, period.

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Welcome to the world of Open-Source Software!!!

What is wrong with it. This shows that there are security fixes for 5.4. until now!!!!!

11 minutes ago, Henk Bartels said:

Welcome to the world of Open-Source Software!!!

What is wrong with it. This shows that there are security fixes for 5.4. until now!!!!!

You trust in those? I only trust php team ones. 

If the official php developers have dropped php 5.4 support, i don't know why ips shouldn't do the same. 

And then, its so f*cking easy to update to php 5.5 or 5.6, why the hell should you stay in 5.4?

Don't tell me its because if faecesty hosts that only supports old versions, because there are many good hosts out there that cares for their clients. 

I would only trust the official release from php.net


Im confused on who is using 5.7, afaik 5.6 is the released latest, then jumps to 7.0


but yea, any good host will have latest versions (from the official branch) as its for security.

3 hours ago, Henk Bartels said:

What is wrong with it. This shows that there are security fixes for 5.4. until now!!!!!

Community updates are in no way a substitute for security updates from the vendor. 5.4 is EOL. It is dead, kaput, out of date, past it's best, etc.

Move on, upgrade, and get with the times.

The reason why they are not supporting PHP 5.4 is that more up to date versions of PHP support new features that allow the code to run faster, more securely and with fewer bugs (for instance, PHP 5.5 introduced the password_hash and password_verify functions, which IPS would have used to prevent them from having to implement their own password hashing code (which is strongly advised against by security people) had they not needed to support older versions of PHP.

if those statistics are correct, and I am not sure that they are, that doesn't mean a huge amount - just because people are using an older version of PHP, that doesn't mean that they are unable to switch to a newer version, either using their host's control panel or using a package manager, it just means that they haven't.

If your host only allows you to use a version of PHP that is not officially supported, and is relying on third parties to backport fixes (or, more likely, just not fixing things), then I suggest switching to a different host, since there is absolutely no excuse for not supporting PHP 5.5, which released almost 3 years ago, and is also almost EOL, or PHP 5.6, which released over a year and a half ago.

IPS can't win here! You have some people asking why they aren't supporting PHP 7 yet and some people insisting on maintaining support for versions that are well EOL. 

Upgrade your PHP or get a better host. The speed difference alone is worth it. 


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