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Language Settings


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Hello amigos, 

i want to have different language setups, or display options for my frontpage only (http://infinity-exp.net/).

The frontpage is only displaying news which i currently distinguish with tags like "english" or "german".

The thing i want to have now is that people can change the language on the mainpage so that the news are changing in either english or german, or they get redirected to the correct language by default and can change later if they want to see the german/english news.

Pls help ;<

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Very frustratingly for those of us with multiple languages on their site, this isn't possible. I too would like (and have asked for several times) the possibility of adding language-specific content so that when a user switches language, then the language used in the admin-created content switches too. It makes sense, doesn't it? If invisionpower.com were a two-language site, you wouldn't want only the menu headings etc to change if people switched from English to something else but also the content . Unfortunately, any such request is met with a deafening wall of silence.

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They're only using IPS for their forum (http://forum.blackdesertonline.com/), which doesn't adjust the content for the change in language. The rest of their site is something else.

It illustrates the point well, though, doesn't it? When you change the language, you need the content to change, not just the headings etc. That site is an excellent example of why.

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