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My email adress are banned from IPS sites

Kjell Iver Johansen

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On a travel I struggled signing in on one of my own IPS boards - and after that happened my email adress are permanently banned from signing into any new IPS site. Spamfilter from IPS stop me....

After I finish the sign in process - I just get thrown into a banned group.

This happened lately on @-RAW- and @Morrigan site at invisionizer. 


So my product feedback is; you need to have a solution so that IF a member (or an admin) happens to come into a spamfilter - it is possible to get whitelisted from spamfilter as well. You might wash your spam email filters with just compare them to client accounts. We are not spammers.


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I had a similar problem with a domain that I do not manage but have an email with and needed to use. I think it may have to do with the Reverse records and SPF. I have personally never had a problem where my personal domains get marked at spam so it may actually be a client side server setting.

If you PM me your details I will be happy to see about getting you registered on the site.

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This can often happen if you are registering/testing multiple accounts, when doing so, you should disable the IPS spam service if needed.  Please submit a ticket to customer service under your licensed account and we can look into this for you.


Thank you


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1 minute ago, Rhett said:

This can often happen if you are registering/testing multiple accounts, when doing so, you should disable the IPS spam service if needed.  Please submit a ticket to customer service under your licensed account and we can look into this for you.


Thank you


Thanks Rhett. It is not because of testing of multiple accounts. It was just because I lost my password on one of my sites and because of several log-in attempts I was thrown out. I had to tell another admin to give me access.

This is happening on any new IPS site I'm trying to register on. I use the same email adress all over. This was the third time. I just can't contact each and every admin on those sites telling them I'm human. 

You need to look into those spamfilters. I'll send @Morrigan a word by PM

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I had a similar situation happen but my IP address rather than my email.... After a Gateway (Modem) change my server did not recognize my new IP and banned me from the server. I had to go next door with a laptop and use their Internet connection to get in to de-blacklist in security, unblock the IP from the firewall then white list it....

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@Kjell Iver Johansen, the reason that happens on every IPS site because the anti-spam service that IPS uses services all of their active customers. I ran into this problem when I was beta testing IPS3, before the rollout. Fortunately, I was able to get IPS to take my email addresses off their blacklist, since the anti-spam service that is active during registration had flagged my email addresses. This has been an ongoing problem but you can't really expect IPS to foresee these things because its something that can't plan for.

The reason it happened to me was because I was using a backup email account to test the registration process on my live site as well as on my test/demo site.

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The spam service only activates on registration - it would have nothing to do with lost password resets. If you're listed in our spam service it because you triggered our spamming algorithm (an example could be registering on a number of IPS sites in a small period of time) and/or your IP is listed in a global blacklist. For the former, you may contact us with your e-mail address and IP address and we can check our database. For the latter, you should check a site such as this to see if your IP is listed. If so, you'll need to work out why with your ISP and/or the RBL that blocked you - we do not bypass RBLs.  


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