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Session error for gallery upload on 4.1.7


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Hello all,

On our upgraded (from 3.4.8 to 4.1.x) gallery and on a fresh 4.1.7 test install, an upload to the gallery never makes it past step 2 (the spinning wheel of "working").

The .sql record of what happened shows what appears to be a 52 character long session key being used.  The upload_session column is a VARCHAR(32).  Am I correct in guessing that we're over the limit by 20 characters?  If so, what should be done about this?

Thank you for your time.



Data too long for column 'upload_session' at row 1
I N S E R T INTO `gallery_images_uploads` ( `upload_session`, `upload_member_id`, `upload_location`, `upload_file_name`, `upload_date` ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )
    [0] => hbeb91pm9jddsq4irbdajqahiqeblecored9hnen7454q3qohck0
    [1] => 1
    [2] => monthly_2016_01/HOE-Logo-Round-RGB.png.6addbbe57827829438f47858714877cb.png
    [3] => HOE-Logo-Round-RGB.png
    [4] => 1452984402

 | File                                                                       | Function                                                                      | Line No.          |
 | /system/Db/Db.php                                                          | [IPS\Db\_Exception].__construct                                               | 414               |
 | /system/Db/Db.php                                                          | [IPS\_Db].preparedQuery                                                       | 645               |
 | /applications/gallery/modules/front/gallery/submit.php                     | [IPS\_Db].insert                                                              | 337               |
 |                                                                            | [IPS\gallery\modules\front\gallery\_submit]._stepUploadImages                 |                   |
 | /system/Helpers/Wizard/Wizard.php                                          | [].call_user_func                                                             | 156               |
 | /system/Theme/Theme.php(692) : eval()'d code                               | [IPS\Helpers\_Wizard].__toString                                              | 209               |
 |                                                                            | [IPS\Theme\class_core_front_global].blankTemplate                             |                   |
 | /system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php                                        | [].call_user_func_array                                                       | 57                |
 | /system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php                                          | [IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate].__call                                         | 144               |
 | /system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php                                          | [IPS\Theme\SandboxedTemplate].blankTemplate                                   | 144               |
 | /system/Dispatcher/Standard.php                                            | [IPS\_Dispatcher].finish                                                      | 101               |
 | /system/Dispatcher/Front.php                                               | [IPS\Dispatcher\_Standard].finish                                             | 554               |
 | /system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php                                          | [IPS\Dispatcher\_Front].finish                                                | 131               |
 | /index.php                                                                 | [IPS\_Dispatcher].run                                                         | 13                |


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Altering the gallery_images_uploads "uploads_session" column to be a Varchar 64 (instead of varchar 32) has allowed this to work.

I have verified that varchar(32) is the default for this column in a fresh install of 4.1.7.

This seems to me to be a bug. 

Where does one file a bug report now?

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