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Upgrade to 4.1.4 failed

Adam Tappert

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9 minutes ago, media said:
This error is when checking cache
This is all code
		if ( $row['row_perm_cache'] != '*' )
				$perms = json_decode( $row['row_perm_cache'], TRUE );
				$applications = array();
				foreach ( $perms['applications'] as $k => $app )
					$applications[ $app ] = $perms['modules'];
				$perms['applications'] = $applications;
				unset( $perms['modules'] );
				\IPS\Db::i()->update( 'core_admin_permission_rows', array( 'row_perm_cache' => json_encode( $perms ) ), array( 'row_id=? AND row_id_type=?', $row['row_id'], $row['row_id_type'] ) );


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38 minutes ago, media said:

Caching Method Required

  • - No caching -

The caching method is used by various systems for temporary data storage and data caching. All options apart from Memcached use server memory and using any of these will increase performance over not caching. Memcached is a distributed memory object caching system and provides the best performance.

This means that you do not use another method for caching. Use what the developer is built into ips4.

To remove the cache do this


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Hi guy's

Was trying to do the same and this is what I got :o


( ! ) Fatal error: Undefined constant 'IPS\TEST_DELTA_ZIP' in C:\wamp\www\website\applications\core\modules\admin\system\upgrade.php on line 99
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0010 246856 {main}( ) ..\index.php:0
2 0.2770 11504888 IPS\_Dispatcher->run( ) ..\index.php:13
3 0.2900 12701816 IPS\Dispatcher\_Standard->finish( ) ..\Dispatcher.php:131
4 0.2930 12703736 IPS\_Dispatcher->finish( ) ..\Standard.php:101
5 0.2930 12704432 globalTemplate ( ) ..\Dispatcher.php:149
6 0.2930 12704928 IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate->__call( ) ..\Dispatcher.php:149
7 0.2930 12705344 call_user_func_array:{C:\wamp\www\website\system\Theme\SandboxedTemplate.php:57} ( ) ..\SandboxedTemplate.php:57
8 0.2940 12710112 IPS\Theme\class_core_admin_global->globalTemplate( ) ..\SandboxedTemplate.php:57
9 0.3050 12759832 IPS\Helpers\_Wizard->__toString( ) ..\SandboxedTemplate.php:1552
10 0.3050 12761040 call_user_func:{C:\wamp\www\website\system\Helpers\Wizard\Wizard.php:156} ( ) ..\Wizard.php:156
11 0.3050 12761520 IPS\core\modules\admin\system\_upgrade->_selectVersion( ) ..\Wizard.php:156
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There are some problems with your database. Normally it is safe to try to fix these problems automatically however if your community is large, you may want to run the necessary queries manually. If so, the queries to run are:
UPDATE `core_pfields_data` SET `pf_search_type`='loose' WHERE `pf_search_type` IS NULL;
ALTER TABLE `core_pfields_data` CHANGE COLUMN `pf_search_type` `pf_search_type` VARCHAR (5) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'loose' COMMENT '';
ALTER TABLE `forums_posts` DROP INDEX `topic_id`, ADD KEY `topic_id` (`topic_id`,`queued`,`post_date`);
ALTER TABLE `blog_blogs` ADD COLUMN `blog_groupblog` INT (1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '', ADD COLUMN `blog_owner_only` INT (1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '', ADD COLUMN `blog_authorized_users` VARCHAR (255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL COMMENT '', ADD KEY `blog_groupblog` (`blog_groupblog`), ADD KEY `auth_user` (`blog_owner_only`,`blog_authorized_users`(190));
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Please could you ensure that you post in tickets for these issues if you are still experiencing them?

For this one

Fatal error: Undefined constant 'IPS\TEST_DELTA_ZIP' in C:\wamp\www\website\applications\core\modules\admin\system\upgrade.php on line 99

Please reupload the files. It seems you are missing the latest init.php


For this one

Invalid argument supplied for foreach() 

The installer has been fixed, please reupload all files


For this one

1050 Table 'nexus_package_base_prices_new' already exists

Please see the following kb article


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15 hours ago, Adam Tappert said:

I get the following error message when attempting to upgrade

Invalid argument supplied for foreach() 


They told me this has been resolved... We have to redownload the package and continue where we left of...

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