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Deleted Emoticons still showing in after being deleted.


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1 hour ago, DanInMS said:

Was trying to re-organize our emoticons and I didn't see a way in the admin panel so I removed them off the server. However, they are still showing up in the admin panel. How do I remove the blanks ?



You should delete them from the AdminCP instead of your file system.

It looks like your user may have some restrictions in place to prevent you from deleting these. Please check Admin CP > Members > Staff > Administrators (click the edit icon next to your user/group).

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1 hour ago, tAPir said:

If recaching doesn't work then you'll have to delete them from that screen. but...

I can't see any delete xs in your screenie:


I thought it was odd I didn't see a way to delete them. Now I know it with your screenshot.

25 minutes ago, Stuart Silvester said:

You should delete them from the AdminCP instead of your file system.

It looks like your user may have some restrictions in place to prevent you from deleting these. Please check Admin CP > Members > Staff > Administrators (click the edit icon next to your user/group).

I had an earlier issue with the upgrade where my search engine wasn't working and after I put a ticket in it turned out to be a permission error with my forum sections. Looks like this one is another one. I'll go check now. thx for the tip.

EDIT- that's what it was. Somehow my admin account didn't have permission to delete the emoticons. Thanks for the help.

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