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Editor still blows chunks for quoting

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This HAS to be one of the worst editors I've ever dealt with for end user friendliness in quoting.

I am participating in a thread, had early went to quote someone (had clicked the quote link) and decided not to.  Now, whenever I try to reply to a post in that thread, that original quote is there and I can't get rid of it.  Apparently it keeps a draft mode... but no way to delete the draft mode?  If that's the case, then either get rid of the draft mode or give the editor the ability to delete the drafts.  Apparently it's not THAT hard to do.  


There are several things I like about the script, but the RSE (Really S**tty Editor) is not one of them.  It is NOT user friendly, unless all you use is an IPS site.

This is what I see after coming back 20 minutes later.



You click one line below the quote (outside of the quote box) and hit backspace 2x and it'll delete. You'll know if it's doing correctly if the outside border of the quote box gets highlighted after the first backspace. If it's not, then it won't delete with the second.




just follow the tooltip that shows when you hover over the quote box

'hold ctrl and right click for more options'

you can then delete the box





8 minutes ago, sound said:

just follow the tooltip that shows when you hover over the quote box

'hold ctrl and right click for more options'

you can then delete the box

It shouldn't need this - it should be obvious to the user how to delete the box, otherwise users will simply get frustrated and give up.

6 minutes ago, NewRockRabbit said:

It shouldn't need this - it should be obvious how to do this, otherwise users will simply get frustrated and give up.


yep it could be more obvious, but its there.. 


i just found by posting the image above the improved image editing options  - again guess could be more obvious as well

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52 minutes ago, Koby said:

You click one line below the quote (outside of the quote box) and hit backspace 2x and it'll delete. You'll know if it's doing correctly if the outside border of the quote box gets highlighted after the first backspace. If it's not, then it won't delete with the second.

And exactly how is that user friendly?  You SHOULD be able to highlight the text and then simply hit the backspace key or delete key.


32 minutes ago, NewRockRabbit said:


Just now, Tracy Perry said:

And exactly how is that user friendly?  You SHOULD be able to highlight the text and then simply hit the backspace key or delete key.

That will only delete the text in the quote, not the quote box itself. That is how the editor works.

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18 minutes ago, Koby said:

That will only delete the text in the quote, not the quote box itself. That is how the editor works.

Thank you for re-emphasing my point that the editor blows chunks.

As you can see by the blank quote box below.. it don't work on a Mac with Chrome for crap.  I don't have this issue on vBulletin sites nor on XenForo ones... Only IPS ones.

1 minute ago, Tracy Perry said:

Thank you for re-emphasing my point that the editor blows chunks.

As you can see by the blank quote box below.. it don't work on a Mac with Chrome for crap.  I don't have this issue on vBulletin sites nor on XenForo ones... Only IPS ones.

I think the way it works is the best method. I'd rather go outside the div to delete it rather than delete something from inside it. If you want to delete a word, you start at the end, not the middle of the word. Deleting it from the middle if it allowed it, would delete the opening div, but not the closing tag and break more.

The issue also being that IPS now uses a 3rd party editor instead of their own; so it's reliant on that 3rd party for how it works.

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10 minutes ago, Koby said:

I think the way it works is the best method. I'd rather go outside the div to delete it rather than delete something from inside it. If you want to delete a word, you start at the end, not the middle of the word. Deleting it from the middle if it allowed it, would delete the opening div, but not the closing tag and break more.

The issue also being that IPS now uses a 3rd party editor instead of their own; so it's reliant on that 3rd party for how it works.

I don't think you are fully understanding... on my Mac using Chrome (and the latest OS) you CAN'T go outside the DIV after the quote.  It doesn't WORK!  You have to figure out some way to go in, add a line of text, then go on top of the quote box and hit delete twice... tell me - how many users are instinctively know how how (or to) do that?

And like XenForo doesn't use an outside one (albeit modified for their use)?  And I'm pretty sure that WBB also does (both use a Redactor base).

It's fine that the nice pretty box pops up to tell you to use COMMAND and right click for more options - but totally useless when it does nothing other than to tell you to use COMMAND and right click for more options.

The only way that I can get around it on my board is to enable the "Source" button, and then do it there.  I'm wondering if it is an issue with Chome/OS X and IPS editor.  Like I said, I don't have this issue on any other script, only on the IPS ones.


I just tried quoting with a MAC on Chrome and left clicked on the box (red arrow) and then hit the delete key and the entire quote box/text disappeared.

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10 minutes ago, jackflash said:


I just tried quoting with a MAC on Chrome and left clicked on the box (red arrow) and then hit the delete key and the entire quote box/text disappeared.

Thank you.. that does work.. but I get back to the "how is that user friendly" aspect.  The "instruction" that pops up does not work on my system - and I'm not a neophyte to computers/forums/BBS's (having gotten a start in the early 90's on Maximus & Binkley/2 in FidoNet as a SysOp).

The whole point of an editor is for it to be user friendly.  I can make a video explaining how to use it, but if the users don't view it and aren't familiar with IPS's "funky" editor - they will go elsewhere to post.  For a WYSIWYG editor, you are used to highlighting a block of text and deleting it.  That does not work with this one.  I could make a GIF of it working fine in that manner (albeit they show you the BBcode in your post) in XenForo or WBB, but what would be the point.

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Some additional... when using Chrome Inspector on an edit.. lookie what shows up (probably related)


And this when I directly quote a message


  • Management

When making aggressive topics like this, I would respectfully ask you to consider how you would respond if a user/customer came to your site and said along the lines of "this blows chunks. I like 'competitor' better." Fortunately, we have relatively thick skins. :)

I know you haven't been here terribly long, but hopefully you should know by now we'll listen without the aggressive undertone... in fact, we're more likely to do so (I nearly just skipped past the topic given the title.) 

All that said, I would agree that quoting needs a bit more fine tuning and will address it with the team next week. If you have specific feedback beyond the "blowing of chunks" - please do feel free to share for further review. Please also peruse the bug tracker for bugs so nothing is lost in the hustle and bustle. 


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@Lindy, that was a direct quote from ONE of my few users as his opinion of the editor. ;)  He uses BentRider Online as his prime place (they use vB 3.7.3) so it's already a big change for those coming to visit my site from there.

He uses both vB and XenForo on other sites also and he had the same issue that I've been having since he has a Macbook Air.  I made the post from MY aspect since I am the owner of the script and it's effecting me similarly also.

And yes, I've admit I've gotten frustrated with it.  It is NOT user friendly from my point of view either (nor his - and he's older than I am - which a lot of the members of my site would be also and they don't like drastic change), and I can normally figure out how things work (especially if it's designed well) - but if I'm having issues I KNOW that they are.
The editor in 4.1 is better than the 3.x series and even the 4.0 line, but it is sorely lacking in friendliness on the quote aspect (actually, deleting/modifying) when editing/creating a post. 

Also, it appears that there is a "draft" mode in use - but no method of clearing the drafts that are easy to find?

As I've told you before, I'll quickly compare you to competitors if they are doing something better than you (read IPS) are.  I do it in cars, I do it in motorcycles, TV's, phones.  It's what hopefully pushes manufacturers to strive to do BETTER than the competitor. If a manufacturer doesn't like to be compared to others, then they are in the wrong field.  Just because you are IPS doesn't mean that everything that is done is made of 24 karat gold.  Some of the implementations are, when compared to the other scripts which are your competitors, really horrendous.
And yes, I'm rather blunt.  Always have been.  I don't believe in pussy-footing around and sugar coating something.  I have rhino hide also, so when the same is done towards me, I don't let it bother me.

If you want to change the title, feel free to - Something like "Editor quoting edit could be more user friendly".

I'm also waiting to see if anyone else sees the JS issue that I show above prior to making a bug-tracker entry.  Maybe @jackflash will check his Chrome Developer tools and see if it is showing the same.  If so, I'll make an entry for it.



Oh, and I'm pretty sure that the issue that I'm having with that error I detailed above is site specific (here) as when I checked it on mine, I did not have the problem.  This is what is showing now when I did a temp "quote" of your post.


  • Management

Maybe not solid 24K across the board(sic)... but we're at least 20K gold. ;)

Seriously though, part of your concern in fact seems to be a bug -- we'll look at that more next week. I still feel we can tweak the removal of quotes a bit more and we'll discuss doing so. 


11 hours ago, Lindy said:

Maybe not solid 24K across the board(sic)... but we're at least 20K gold. ;)

Seriously though, part of your concern in fact seems to be a bug -- we'll look at that more next week. I still feel we can tweak the removal of quotes a bit more and we'll discuss doing so. 


Thanks Lindy! Quotes frustrate me as well. On mobile you can't hover so mobile needs attention, but what I found to be frustrating really is, if you backspace from below the quote the cursor moves to the top of the quote field where you'd expect another backspace would remove it but it does not. I know this is to protect the quote format but I'd rather have easy deletion than protection, not many will be backspacing and removing by mistake, if so, they can add again and lesson learned. Same with clicking inside and removing all the text the next backspace should remove it. It will if you try twice, as in click below the quote again, then back into quote, but that would be instructions to members instead of just having it work the first time, which would be great. Thanks.


Install this plugin to give users a one click clear editor....


I've had the same issues and this is gone down great with members. IPS should look at adding it as default but changing the icon to a trash can rather than the blank page


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