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Manage Validating Members

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Works fine to me:

The error is about a user without permission in the ACP:

		/* Permission Check */
		if ( !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( $this->module ) )
			\IPS\Output::i()->error( ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ? 'no_module_permission' : 'no_module_permission_guest' ), '2S100/2', 403, 'no_module_permission_admin' );


'no_module_permission_admin'	=> "The page you are trying to access is not available for your account. To configure who can access which areas of your site, go to Admin CP → System → Applications.",


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Thanks Adriano but I am the only admin and I have permissions checked for everything on the board, unless I am missing something? Where would that permission be?

Here is where the url is going--



Edited by Genestoy
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I have another problem - when the app is enabled I get anywhere from 2 to 9 emails for the same validating member that are all exactly the same. When I disable the app I only get the one IPS validation email. I have validations set for email and administrator validation. Any way to fix this?


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Just now, Genestoy said:


I have another problem - when the app is enabled I get anywhere from 2 to 9 emails for the same validating member that are all exactly the same. When I disable the app I only get the one IPS validation email. I have validations set for email and administrator validation. Any way to fix this?


Not related. This app do not send any email; it executes the CORE function. Example on approve account:

	 * Approve Members Awaiting Validation
	protected function approve()
			$member = \IPS\Member::load( \IPS\Request::i()->id );
		catch ( \OutOfRangeException $e )
			\IPS\Output::i()->error( 'node_error', '2C114/A', 404, '' );
		if ( \IPS\Request::i()->isAjax() )
			\IPS\Output::i()->json( 'OK' );

When you click in the link, it runs the validationComplete(), which is a CORE method.

The plugin only displays the exact same thing that you see in the ACP.

Now seriously, you have a bunch of problems that no one else had, even me, using it on my online board, which clearly indicates that your install isn't so good.

I suggest you to remove the plugin, clear cache (using the tool or removing all files from datastore folder. If it still insists, then provide steps to reproduce to "fix the issue", beside then "click in the link", because I can't reproduce it.

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