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my forum loads slow


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16 minutes ago, Joel R said:

I encourage you to deactivate all of your third-party applications and plugins.

You can run various tools to measure what's taking so long:

  • Google PageSpeed
  • Yahoo YSlow
  • GTMetrix

@Adlago is especially good with this kind of stuff, so he might be able to help you :)  

it would be great :p thanks

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1 hour ago, MRniceGUY1990 said:

it would be great :p thanks

Big issues

Browser caching (apparently your images are not cached)
Combine images into a sprite sheet (in your case, the smilies for chat apparently primarily - which IPS does not natively support easily)
You have a 3.4MB resized GIF image being served on the main page.
You have a lot of emoticons being displayed on your main page being resized via CSS (some being displayed multiple times with multiple sends since there is no caching - plus having them in sprites would resolve some of this but IPS doesn't support sprites for the smiles easily - YAWP of IPS).


Here is your site compared to my landing page (using Pages) and the forums index in GT Metrix


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i dont quite understand :/

when i use gtmetrix there is a huge differences in every time i analyze 




would you tell me what exactly u mean by Combine images into a sprite sheet? and i dont know why there is no caching!, there is alot of fked up stuff since i upgraded :( god why

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16 minutes ago, MRniceGUY1990 said:

when i use gtmetrix there is a huge differences in every time i analyze 

You will get some variance... depending on some factors involved.

I'm betting your site is running under Apache.  If you are on a shared hosting, it should be a simple matter of some .htaccess entries.  I use nginx myself and run my own server.

Something like 

<IfModule mod_expires.c>
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType image/jpg "access 1 year"
ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access 1 year"
ExpiresByType image/gif "access 1 year"
ExpiresByType image/png "access 1 year"
ExpiresByType text/css "access 1 month"
ExpiresByType text/x-javascript "access 1 month"
ExpiresDefault "access 2 days"

in your htaccess will help with the expires/caching issue.

The upgrading had nothing really to do with it... other than probably some display differences.  The caching is a server (HTTP) issue.

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21 minutes ago, Tracy Perry said:

You will get some variance... depending on some factors involved.

I'm betting your site is running under Apache.  If you are on a shared hosting, it should be a simple matter of some .htaccess entries.  I use nginx myself and run my own server.

Something like 

<IfModule mod_expires.c>
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType image/jpg "access 1 year"
ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access 1 year"
ExpiresByType image/gif "access 1 year"
ExpiresByType image/png "access 1 year"
ExpiresByType text/css "access 1 month"
ExpiresByType text/x-javascript "access 1 month"
ExpiresDefault "access 2 days"

in your htaccess will help with the expires/caching issue.

The upgrading had nothing really to do with it... other than probably some display differences.  The caching is a server (HTTP) issue.

yes im on shared hosting

Thanks for the help :) 

and one more question sir, what did you mean by "You have a 3.4MB resized GIF image being served on the main page." where do you check that i dont know anything about 3.4mb gif image :/

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1 minute ago, Tracy Perry said:

uhApparently one of your posts has an animated gif (http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/800/447/db2.gif) in it.

uh this image was posted into chatbox  3 days ago :/  

i guess its all my chatbox what slows down the speed, all this custom emotions and images in the chatbox xD no wonder why its so slow 

Thanks so much for the replies sir

4 minutes ago, Tarun said:

You could also try the htaccess I've provided. It has a lot of optimizations that work very well for any browsing member.


Where the htaccess you provided?

i have only added the one Mr @Tracy Perry posted for me :/


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16 hours ago, Adlago said:

A little help from me. Replace your logo (209 kB) with this (39 kB)


Also, if you activate cookie-free domain and load all images and other resources from there, your YSlow will be improved by more than 5 points.

Thank you very much, sir.

would you be so kind and tell me what did you use to decrease the size? :p

Thank you

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Another option would be using a precache system, like cloudflare.


In order to avoid any confusion for other new people who join here, and might now think they need a better server, i shortly explain why this:

9 hours ago, Afternova said:

MariaDB + Memcached + SSD + 1Gbit/s + .htaccess configuration

is only a half true statement (no offence, just the facts).

Memcached? Is only for the guest session as its mentioned in the setting. Having massive active members will still create a lot queries.

SSD? You dont' have IO issues on a web application (normally :P), so the actual speed will stay the same, since most containers/root servers have a RAID 10.

1 GBit/s? Uhm...yea, totally not important for your page speed. The connection reflects the maximum transfere rate of your server and is mainly interesting for people who provide downloads or cdn (or like gameservers, download content which is required to play). But has actually nothing todo with the page speed generally. More interesting is the guaranteed bandwidth of your server and the total requests. And that won't affect you as long as you don't have ~500+ active users.


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