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Please do not allow user to remove the stream shortcuts with stream deselection, have it use All Activity instead of removing


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If a user deselects the default (which could happen by mistake and then the user may never know about the shortcuts), the shortcut on the right disappears on full, and on mobile, the activity icon completely disappears leaving you to dig deep into the menu to find streams.

The shortcuts should never disappear, and if there is no default selected should use All Activity.

There's ways to go about it. Either do not allow a user to not have a default, as in, remove "deselection" and only allow selection, so they are always changing by adding not removing. Or if you allow removing, either when they remove, you set AA as the default, or simply, just don't remove the shortcuts and have them click to AA but allow them to deselect (but seems pointless).

These shortcuts are very important and should not disappear. Especially mobile, it removes the only one-click option, the stream icon.


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