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Articles Missing after Upgrade to 4.x

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I just upgraded to 4.x. And my articles have disappeared. When I click on the "Articles" tab in the nav menu, it goes here:


But there is nothing there. Before the upgrade, a link to an article was: 


But when I go to that URL, there is also nothing there.

I'm assuming the URL to the articles section and all articles have changed, can someone assist me to find out where they are now?

Articles are moved to Databases. You need to have a page that shows the database to be able to navigate the content of the old articles.

Go "Content" => "Pages" and then Add new Page.
Choose Page Builder, fill in the basic information and save the Page.
Then save the access settings.

You will then return to "Pages" where you can click the icon for "Page Builder".
This will open the Page in Block Manager mode; in the left hand menu fifth from the top expand "Pages".

Drag "Database" to one of the areas on the Page, then Edit it and choose the database you want to display.

Good luck.

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I tried it just as an experiment, but when I clicked on the page builder, and went to view it, I got a message saying the page didn't exist. Even when I can see it in my Admin CP.

I just want to re-create the default Articles setup from 3.x. I see in "Pages" in the ACP there is already a file called articles.html. It has this content:

<div class='ipsLayout ipsLayout_withright ipsLayout_largeright'>
    <div class='ipsLayout_right'>
    <div class='ipsLayout_content'>

When I "View This Page," it sends me to


And displays a "The page you requested does not exist."

Is this left over from 3.x? Should I edit this page?

Your files don't need the .html ending. so try something different and random (you can rename it later)

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Hi Emil,

Thanks for the help. I created a new page called "articletest" and added it to the menu. The page now exists. When I go to edit it, I am given various options of things to drag and drop into it. 

What I want to do is have a list of article categories here, links, which go to the various categories and the displays a listing of subcategories or articles in that category. How would I do that?

I feel like I am learning Invision Power all over again.


I feel like I am learning Invision Power all over again.

Welcome to the club. Having just about got my head around it and having created a good article page, the 4.0 upgrade has taken my articles back to scratch. I lots all my image links associated with articles it and it is quite frankly a complete mess. I just have not the time or energy to relearn it all again. Pages still needs a lot of work to make it more user friendly.

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My site depends on these articles, so I must re-learn everything. Is there a tutorial anywhere about how to re-create the articles section? If anyone can help me, please see my previous post about where I am so far.

  • 2 weeks later...

+1 Been using IPB for several years, just upgraded from 4.0 and can't create a page with a list of articles - I'm missing something! :)

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I've got a ticket open on this, but it looks like they are saying that we have to re-build the articles section ourselves. The last reply to my ticket was:


You can edit this in your ACP => Pages => Pages and search for articles.phtml . Click on the "edit page" link and go to the content tab.

I can't find any page by this name though, so I replied to the ticket to let them know. Hopefully they will guide me through the process of putting it all back together like it was with IPC 3.x. I will share what I learn here.

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OK here it is so far.

Thanks to Ryan at Invision Power, my articles are now working. They don't look as appealing as they did before, more like forum topics. But they're now displaying properly.

There is no more "out of the box" articles function like before. You must create a page, just like we used to do with IPContent. Then you must add code to call the contents of the articles database to display on that page.

Go to your ACP and to Pages => Pages. The top section is "Page Management." This manages the actual pages, the shells, which will contant the content. 

The content itself comes from a database. The databases you can choose from are listed below this, under the heading "Content." 

The database which contains all of my articles has an ID of "1" (as you'll see in the code below).

So under Pages => Pages, I created a page with a file name of "articles.html" and a title of "Articles." It has no parent category. This causes it to be displayed at the URL


If I visited the URL at this point it would just be a properly formatted, blank page. It would have the design of whatever theme I have set as the default, with a big blank space in the middle.  This is what they mean when they use the word "Page." It's just an empty container you can display anything in, and you must first have a page to display content.

To get the contents of my articles database to display on this page I had to go back to the ACP, to Pages => Pages and find it in the listing. Then I had to click on the pencil icon for "articles.html" to "Edit Page." Once in the editing section, I clicked on the "Content" tab. This is where you add the code to call the information from the articles database. There are other tabs to add page details and meta information.

In my case, Ryan added the following code under the "Content" tab of "articles.hmtl":

<div class='ipsLayout ipsLayout_withright ipsLayout_largeright'>
    <div class='ipsLayout_content'>

This uses div tags with IPS classes to arrange the database contents on the page, and tells my articles database (ID = 1) to display its contents inside these divs.

By just adding that one bit of code {database="1"} it displays all articles under their properly linked database categories.

You can go to www.turkeycentral.com/articles.html to see the results of this.

As I work out various other details I will post the results here.

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It looks like for my pages, the URL has been simplified by removing the former /_/ part from the URL. And also the word "page" or "pages" has been removed. So if anybody has trouble finding their former pages because the URL has changed, try entering the URL for the site, then just the subfolder they are in (you can see this under Pages => Pages in the admin CP, then the name of the page. My tours section is now at http://www.turkeycentral.com/tours/index.html.


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