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Custom email notifications


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I have been following all the steps shown in the guide "Notification & Emails" https://community.invisionpower.com/4docs/advanced-usage/development/notifications-emails-r85/


And I have created my custom notifications for my app. The user recieve the notification perfectly but just the "inline" notification, if the notification needs to be sent by email as well (because the user configure it) the system shows and 500 error in the moment to send the notification.

So I cannot make work the email notifications. I have followed the steps shown in the guide:

  • For my custom notification "likes_car" I have created in mail folder of my app 2 files: "notification_likes_car.txt" and "notification_likes_car.phtml"
  • The content of these 2 files is the same and I have reduced to the basic to avoid errors. I just include the first line as the guide shows and a single line for a word "test"
    <ips:template parameters="$parameter1, $parameter2, $email" />


  • In the dev/lang.php file of my app I have these lines following the instructions of the guide:
    $lang = array(
    	'__app_motrerweb'	=> "Motrerweb",
    	'mailsub__motrerweb_notification_likes_car' => 'Someone likes your car',
    	'notifications__likes_car'  => 'Someone likes your car'


And that is all the steps in the IPB guide. But as I said, if the user has choosen to receive an email with the notification, when a user press the "I like your car" bottom of my app he receives a 500 IS error. If the user has choosen to receive just an inline notification everything works fine, the user receive the inline notification and the user who press the "I like your car" bottom receive no errors. So, what am I doing wrong? have I missed any step?

I know this question cannot be answer for everybody, just for advanced users, but I hope some of them take a look and can help me. Thank you very much

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