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Joel R

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I'm sure widgetry is a word.  If not, then we should pretend IPS invented it.  


Suggestions on Widgets:

1.  System > Member Statistics: Split into Member Stats (with just numbers) and Member Feed.


2.  Gallery >  Gallery Statistics: (Same as above.) Split into Gallery Stats (with just numbers) and Image Feed.

3.  Gallery > Gallery Categories: Please make widget.  You offer Categories for Downloads, but none for IP.Gallery.  I also think that in a large and complex gallery as mine, it's almost a necessity to have a traditional menu of categories so you don't get lost.    

4.  Gallery > Image Feed: Add "random" to Sort by and Sort direction.

5.  Gallery > Image Feed: Please offer slideshow view.  Current template for listing takes too much room.     


6.  Downloads > Download Categories: Please make widget.  




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Commerce > Ads by keyword: please make a widget - (currently have to create a block in pages tied to the keyword )

  • (options: max number of ads to display - orientation: stacked / racked / random )

In fact I would love to see Blocks (widgets) be decoupled from Pages and be its stand alone 1st class citizen app. 

At the very least allow custom blocks to show up at the first level hierarchy when using block management, not buried under Pages. - If you spent  time to add a descriptive blurb about the block - it was a waste of time because that is not currently visible from the block manager, nor informative to select users who may have rights to modify blocks but have to guess what they do (because there is no description) 

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