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MyISAM vs InnoDB

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I am currently upgrading my forum to 4.0.10 from 3.4.x. I performed this upgrade in my local machine once to simulate the upgrade.

However, I was wondering if the forum could be moved from innodb to MyISAM. My forum's DB is almost 4GB and even I've read and I've been told that working with InnoDB could be a nightmare if my dedicated server is not powerful enough. Mine, indeed, is not that powerful and my sysadmin told me that could be tough to manage.

Currently my forum sometimes was having DB issues and had to execute mysqlcheck and that kind of jobs almost daily. InnoDB is supposed to be quite tough when table corruptions are occurred.

I was wondering if it was possible to migrate innodb to myisam and how is performance with IPB4.0 and this config. Is it possible to do this quickly? Or is it a long job?



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