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Alternative to Redirect Links as Forums

Ocean West

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They are kind of a relic and had their purpose; in a pinch to redirect someone to another page / internally or externally. I am feeling that there needs to be a better alternative to forum as links.


  • they take up a lot of space (especially if you have more then one )
  • they break continuity in the index 
  • as a sub forum they take up a lot of space
  • When a forum has been marked as read their icon never dims.
  • They don't open in new window/tab without a hook/plugin


  • they count clicks
  • observe permission matrix

Would like some way to add one or more "links" to a url that is tied to a specific forum / category - That visually appears as a link / button or something that doesn't waste a lot of space, and provides the ability to track counts and allow the target link to open in the same window or a new tab/window. Also be included in the permission matrix as to who will see the links. 




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