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Add ability to use FA Icons as forum icon


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It's difficult to provide that kind of thing because while our default theme uses FA, custom themes don't have to use it - they could replace it with IcoMoon, images, text, whatever else... That's not to say it's impossible to solve, but it's also not straightforward.

There is a little trick you can do to do it manually though, if that'd work for you. What you need to do is add a block of CSS like this to your custom.css file for your theme:

.cForumRow [data-forumID="<your forum id>"] .ipsItemStatus > .fa:before {
	content: '\<fa icon code>';

You need to do this for each forum you want to customize. Replace <your forum id> with the forum ID in question, and <fa icon code> with the unicode character code from http://fontawesome.io/icons/ (not the name - click the icon you want and look for the \f1234 code, that's what you want).

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It's difficult to provide that kind of thing because while our default theme uses FA, custom themes don't have to use it - they could replace it with IcoMoon, images, text, whatever else... That's not to say it's impossible to solve, but it's also not straightforward.

There is a little trick you can do to do it manually though, if that'd work for you. What you need to do is add a block of CSS like this to your custom.css file for your theme:

.cForumRow [data-forumID="<your forum id>"] .ipsItemStatus > .fa:before {
	content: '\<fa icon code>';

You need to do this for each forum you want to customize. Replace <your forum id> with the forum ID in question, and <fa icon code> with the unicode character code from http://fontawesome.io/icons/ (not the name - click the icon you want and look for the \f1234 code, that's what you want).

Works for me. Big thanks...

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.cForumRow [data-forumID="<your forum id>"] .ipsItemStatus > .fa:before { content: '\<fa icon code>'; }


Oh, NOW you post this.. after I had asked about it and then ended up going out and buying an add-on that does it. :cry:

Thanks though, as I would rather use direct CSS code than depend on an add-on, so that issue is now resolved fully for me.

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  • 1 year later...

I want to bump this topic and ask if it is possible to have all font awesome icons the same on all forums?

The CSS trick as far as I can see works per forum and it is very inconvenient for people with many forums that don't have a need for different icons. 

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8 minutes ago, jair101 said:

I want to bump this topic and ask if it is possible to have all font awesome icons the same on all forums?

The CSS trick as far as I can see works per forum and it is very inconvenient for people with many forums that don't have a need for different icons. 

Then remove the piece that makes it target a specific forum:

[data-forumID="<your forum id>"]


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