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Multiple domains with a single IPB 4.x instance.

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Recently I purchased Pages and am attempting to bring everything under one umbrella rather than having to use multiple third party tools. With 3.4, I used ipbwi and a lot of custom code to accomplish this. I can't figure out how to use Pages with multiple domains under a single account with IPB 4.x.


Account root
    │   └───testsite
    │                   index.php
    │   └───testsite
    │                   index.php

I would like domain2.com and domain3.com to have their own custom set of Pages (which I would group under Pages in the IPB suite and create themes for each "site"). Everything is located on the same hosting account and "appear" as separate sites, but all have the same backend system (e.g. IPB). Each site would have a unique theme, have static content, have dynamic "news" content  (pulled from threads), submission forms, etc... (This is how I currently do it with ipbwi).

I've downloaded and am using the custom index.php file from here: http://community.invisionpower.com/4docs/administration/pages/using-pages-under-your-community-root-r100/

I also turned off friendly URL's so I do not need to mess with the .htaccess files for the time being (for my testsites).

However, domain1.com/testsite or domain2.com/testsite just redirects  to the PrimaryDomain.com/testsite/

e.g. domain1.com/testsite/?app=cms&module=pages&controller=page&path=articles.html will redirect to the default articles page on the PrimaryDomain.com/testsite

I also have a handful of subdomains on the PrimaryDomain.com that would have the same features as the secondary domains.

Sorry for the length of this post, but in summary.., is it possible to accomplish what I am trying to do with IPB's default set of tools in 4.x?  And if so, how? If not, is this a feature that is planned?

Thanks for your time.


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Ah, I see, it's not my intention to have multiple instances of IPB running. I was hoping to have a single set of forums/content with multiple front-ends for apperances sake (each front-end would pull dynamic content from a forum category). I'll have to see if I can take another approach while retaining the Pages applicaiton (as it makes it far easier for my technically challegened admins to maintain), maybe creating a cron job to statically output the Pages at a set interval. It's becoming a hassle to keep code up-to-date with IPBWI and IPB.

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It would be much easier just to create forum categories for your needs here, you can even assign a different skin to each one. You could do something like below.

www.domain.com - main site - pages set as default.

www.domain.com/forum1  - set this as a direct link in your header, assign a skin to it and all sub forums

www.domain.com/forum2 - same as above, assign a different skin to it if needed

www.domain.com/forum3 - same ^

You could have the experience of three sites all rolled into one database and back end




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