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IPBOARD 3.4 - Bug with connexion


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Confused. :)

Are you saying you have to login each time you visit ? Or is it 'forgetting' your password ?

I would guess it is logging you out. I see a few things:

1. Go to Settings > General Config > Look at 'upload URL' and 'Path to uploads' , compare very carefully what you have here with what is suggested and adjust as needed. That should fix the broken profile images. If it does not search in the ACP (top right seach box) for Gravatar and turn it off.

2. What do you have for your cookie settings ? (Search in the ACP top right search box) if your cookie settings are empty please try these:

Cookie Domain:


.http://lsrp.fr[/code] (exactly that, copy and paste it, the leading . is not a typo!
Cookie Path: (leave this empty)

Cookie Prefix:

[code]-community-[/code] or [code]-forum[/code]

Save the changes. Try logging in again, and hopefully it should keep you logged in now.

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Do you have to keep resetting your password then ?

If so, register a new account. Do not worry that it is a 'member' account at this stage. Login with it, then logout and then try to login again. Does it let you login again ?

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