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Bug in Search Translating?


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I have found an strange thing using Search when translating and I'm not sure if that's a but to report...

I've choosen a language to translate, for example spanish...

Now I'm searching for a string, for example "mm". It founds 17 pages with that string, till there, everything is correct... but if I want to browse within those 17 pages to find the string I'm finding, that's not possible!... If I click in page number 2 it goes to page number 2 but of the total of 335 pages of strings instead of the 17 pages of searched string...

Is that a bug or am I doing anything wrong?





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I've continued checking and this only happens in a Community wheree I imported all translated applications but doesn't have all licenses...

I have all applications translated and imported the whole translation (as it is not possible in parts) in a licence with only Downloads, and it happens with the licence with only downloads which has all the translated strings which doesn't have licence to use... and logically only has strings but not the applications...

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