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Display Name History

Adriano Faria

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Hello. Thank you for another great plugin. However, with the new 4.1.x series, this plugin needs a few tweaks:

1. Its layout doesn't follow the rest of the profile's layout

2. It would be great if it showed the name change history directly inside the block instead of us having to click a button

3. It has a small bug with users who registered using Facebook or any other social network, as the plugin shows that there was a username change when in fact there wasn't.

These three issues are shown in the attached screenshot.



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On 18/12/2015 at 0:59 AM, Gabriel Torres said:

1. Its layout doesn't follow the rest of the profile's layout

Probably some template change applied on 4.1 This file was done on 4.0.X.

On 18/12/2015 at 0:59 AM, Gabriel Torres said:

2. It would be great if it showed the name change history directly inside the block instead of us having to click a button

Not sure there's enough space to this.

On 18/12/2015 at 0:59 AM, Gabriel Torres said:

3. It has a small bug with users who registered using Facebook or any other social network, as the plugin shows that there was a username change when in fact there wasn't.

I didn't test it with social networks. Will take a look when I come back.

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  • 5 months later...

@Adriano Faria

Hi Adriano

Are there any plans for this plugin to have extra features added?

I would really love a page within ACP that shows a timestamped log of when people change their Display Names, it is very hard for me to track a user that has not posted if they do a Display name change. Or is there a feature in IPS to track this already that I do not know about?


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For those of you who were having problems with this on your board, I noticed that the elements this hook uses is 

#elProfileInfoColumn > div.ipsAreaBackground_light.ipsPad

On my third party dark theme, the profile doesn't use .ipsAreaBackground_light so the plugin wasn't showing up. Had to manually edit the xml file to target only #elProfileInfoColumn > div.ipsPad instead and that worked perfectly.

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1 hour ago, scatteredbomb said:

For those of you who were having problems with this on your board, I noticed that the elements this hook uses is 

#elProfileInfoColumn > div.ipsAreaBackground_light.ipsPad

On my third party dark theme, the profile doesn't use .ipsAreaBackground_light so the plugin wasn't showing up. Had to manually edit the xml file to target only #elProfileInfoColumn > div.ipsPad instead and that worked perfectly.

I didn't even realise this App had a section in the profiles, I thought it was just an AdminCP thing.

Cheers heaps for this fix!

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  • 3 months later...
On 21/6/2016 at 11:25 AM, Neej said:

@Adriano Faria

Hi Adriano

Are there any plans for this plugin to have extra features added?

I would really love a page within ACP that shows a timestamped log of when people change their Display Names, it is very hard for me to track a user that has not posted if they do a Display name change. Or is there a feature in IPS to track this already that I do not know about?


I agree an admin cp log would be nice to have, just like it had back in the IPB v3 version

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  • 4 weeks later...

Please don't use existing error codes in your own apps and plugins.

				if( \IPS\Settings::i()->dnh_groups != '*' AND !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->inGroup( explode( ',', \IPS\Settings::i()->dnh_groups ) ) )
					\IPS\Output::i()->error( 'no_module_permission', '2D161/B', 403, '' );

2D161/B is a downloads app specific error code and shouldn't be used for this plugin! ( Further information about codes can be found here


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3 hours ago, Daniel F said:

2D161/B is a downloads app specific error code and shouldn't be used for this plugin! ( Further information about codes can be found here


It's funny because this link is only available for contributors. Others developpers can't know which codes are used by IPS :rofl:

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  • 1 year later...

Display Name History 2 Released!

The moment when he realizes the plugin he inherited wasn't an ACP mod that was no longer needed as 4.2 had all the member history stuff in the ACP, but was actually a front end mod.

Anyhoo... Wiped those silly error code dupes out, made it 4.2 compatible, cleaned up the look of the popup, made the button tablet and mobile aware.

Think that covers it.


I'm calling this supported again, but it is free so, you know, cut me some slack. This is pretty low on the priority list.

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