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Preparing your update.... never stops

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I'm attempting to update to the most recent release of 4 and I'm seeing "Preparing your update" within the CP. The spinner just goes and goes and never stops. Anybody else have this?


​likely you're probably using a firefox browser and it's not showing the file download.

right click the page and look at the source and look for the update data link with the link to your update package and download it directly.

then you can proceed with the update as usual in your FTP program of choice.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I am experiencing exactly the same error. I have tried with diffrent PC's as well as Chrome and Safari. @Jim M: Any tips, or is there a direct download URL?

​Sometimes on days of releases, the server will bog down a bit from people attempting downloads. Please try again and if it is still happening, please submit a ticket and we can look into it ;) 

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