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Disable All Emails

Wayne B

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I have a dev board set up and I want to disable all emails from being sent from the dev board during the testing phase. I had just edited the email settings in the ACP to enter fake ones however this causes other errors. Can anyone advise how best to disable emails completely so we can test without our membership getting a whole host of emails from us during the testing phase that will work with IPB4


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I have a dev board set up and I want to disable all emails from being sent from the dev board during the testing phase. I had just edited the email settings in the ACP to enter fake ones however this causes other errors. Can anyone advise how best to disable emails completely so we can test without our membership getting a whole host of emails from us during the testing phase that will work with IPB4


​Found some topics, you could set up a dead-end SMTP Server. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1572903

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Thanks I found out the answer

The proper way to disable them would be to create a constants.php file with the following content:

define( 'EMAIL_DEBUG_PATH', '/path/to/store/debug/files/' );

That will disable emails from being sent and, instead, store them in a folder. Make sure the path set exists and is writable.

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That's what I do as well. Its different to 4 compared to 3 (and 2 for that matter)

I'd suggest the folder is _mail or something in the board root (same as it was in 3x if it was enabled)

Note: Put a blank index.php and index.htm file into this directory to keep unwanted 'visitors' out as you don't really want it to be read regardless. You could use htaccess to do it but blank php / htm files are quick and simple.

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