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RC7 out :-)


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​Clearly they are now going to need a RC8 in order to test the Chat - surely it would not be good practice to release it for the first time on the final (gold) release of IPB 4 ???

They have always said chat will not be released until the full release of V4, we are extremely unlikely to see a beta release (even screenshots would be a bonus).

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Not sure why after I upgrade to a new version, some of my Plugins brake and i have to reinstall them.. :unsure:

This happened to RC5 -> RC6 too.

​Happened to me on the4 RC6->RC7 upgrade, what's really off putting is I get an EX2 error code only on the forums, everything else displays fine.   Trying to access profile, or an actual message and I get a blank white screen.  

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and.... failed.


Fatal error: Undefined constant 'IPS\IN_DEV' in /home/ddowdell/public_html/4dot/admin/upgrade/index.php on line 14


right after executing the sql query step

I can't see how that would be possible.  Can you submit a ticket if you can still reproduce?

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Okee dokee, looks like I'll hold off.  It took me a long time to figure out what was wrong with my RC6, and the site is stable now, if I bring RC7 with it's bug fixes and it causes this many issues....

Maybe I'll just hold off until final, whenever that comes out.

​Highly recommend that course of action.

Plus a test install board to practice upgrading your current install to the release install.

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