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External forum registration

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Does IPB provide an interface for account registration? I want to tie in my website account registration with IPB, so when someone registers on my website, it'll also fire ipb_register_user($username, $password, ...) or perhaps provide a class that could be updated. If IPB doesn't have anything like this, then 1) is the 'members' table the only place I need to insert the user? and 2) how IPB hashes passwords? I'm using BCrypt but I recall IPB did something like md5(md5(password), salt).

Thank you!

Edit: I'm using IPB 3.4.x

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Ivan glad you got something going, I am looking for similar as I use ExpressEngine and want to register the same time the user signs up on my main website.  I am using IPS4 so not sure the docs are ready to know how to do this just yet.  If anyone is using IPS4 and has done this, please give me a hint.

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I'm not sure if this will help at all since you said you're not a developer, but what I would do (assuming 4.x is similar in this regard to 3.x) is add a custom session to the sessions table with the appropriate information when your user creates their account or logs on. Then, send the cookie back to the user, and IPB should recognize them as logged in.

I'm sure IPB has some way to do this if you want to look through the source, but I don't really know much about that so I can't be of much help there. Sorry and good luck!

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