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Are 'Questions and Answers' Forums More Customisable?


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I haven't used this type of forum before, so added one to my forum and I like the concept... but it seems harder to get my users to work out how it's supposed to be used (or at least how I'd like it to be used for my forum). Ideally, I don't want them to be able to quote anyone else in the thread because I want each post to be individual and not part of a conversation. Also I don't want the reputation system as the Vote Up/Down buttons on the left should take priority in this. Is there any degree of customisation I can do to this without resorting beyond the provided tools? Am I the only one who would prefer this or do others have better results with the system, and if so have they got good examples of it working as intended?

For context, I'm using it as a silly 'post your favourite' kind of thing, rather than serious tech support or similar.

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Sorry I've possibly used the wrong terminology, I mean the Q&A forum type you can choose for each subforum not the signup spam prevention Q&A response. 


E: this is the one -

  • Questions 
    Users can ask questions that other users can post answers to. Answers can then be rated by other users and the highest rated answers are shown first.
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Are you talking about polling?

If so then go here ACP - System - Posting - Polls

Here you cans setup members permissions for polling questions and answers.

If this is not what you are looking for you will need to be a little more presice on what you are looking for or examples.

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You can't prevent anyone from quoting. You could possibly disable the quote function in that forum but they could still quote by copying text. In other words, there's no way to stop the human element. If they want to quote they will quote. Better to leave it enabled so it looks better.

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Heh very true, users will *always* find a way to do the exact thing you don't want them to do ;) Hopefully as time goes on, people will realise that using the quote function in that forum is mostly pointless as depending on votes the posts will appear out of order.

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