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Maintaining theme and other code when updating


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I am new to IP Board and have recently released my first site with IPB 4.0 RC1. I updated it to RC3 today and ran into some issues. One was that several pages stopped working (for example account settings). After some testing I found out that the default theme worked but not mine. My conclusion is that the default theme has been updated but not mine.

As I do not want to recreate my theme every time a update is performed I would like a different solution. How do I perform this in an easy way? I remove some objects in the original theme by commenting the code as well as making a few modifications. I also change colors in the ACP (not by code). How do I keep these changes and still get new updates to the theme so errors like this do not occur again?

I also have some modifications to .php files (I have modified the files to create support for real names in IPB). These were also changed but I understood that they would. However, I wonder if there is any easier way to keep the changes and till update without modifying every file again.


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If you modified the core PHP files and then overwrote them with the update then there's your problem. You should not be editing the core files.

The theme issues sound like a bug though.

​Is there any way I can create a modd that will "survive" a update? I need to change the php files:)


Regarding the theme, should my theme have been updated and remain as it is?

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​Thank you, interesting! Sadly I am not a good programmer so I think this is a bit above my knowledge but I will keep looking at that forum and try it in the future.

No problem, here to help. I do not know what you are intending to do but if you have the time to learn, it isn't too hard, especially simple template hooks. Other more advanced items just branches off of extending classes and manipulating methods.

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No problem, here to help. I do not know what you are intending to do but if you have the time to learn, it isn't too hard, especially simple template hooks. Other more advanced items just branches off of extending classes and manipulating methods.

​Sounds good, I will have a look. I am only performing small modifications, adding some code and commenting some but it is several files so would be good to not do it every time. The reason is that I want support for the use of real names and these modifications lets me do that.

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