Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
Posted February 18, 20159 yr Popular Post Upgrade from IP. 3.4.x to IPS4.0I am bringing this back again seeing there are still many that want to know how to upgrade.This is an updated version from my original post where the upgrade is explained from start to finish.So you think you are ready to take the plunge and try a test install / upgrade from your current IP Board to the current IPS4.0 beta and later to the final release. Well we will see.{Comment} The following steps are with the assumption you have already created a test install of your current board and made all the preparations leaving your current live board intact. If Not then see the following article. Creating a Duplicate Local Test board from you Live Board. at the bottom of this article.Step One.1st, Download and run Get Ready For IPS 4.0 1.0.3 to test your current install to see if it is in fact ready. you can get your copy here.! all is green and good to go then skip the next step and continue on.But you are showing errors that need to be fixed. OK it's not the end of the world so there is no need to find a cliff or skyscraper to jump from. Download and run IPS UTF8 Database Converter 1.1.13 you can get it here. the converter and let it do its thing, it will take a while. When this is finished re run Get Ready For IPS 4.0 1.0.3 to make sure all previous errors are fixed. If so we can go forward if not now you can find that cliff or skyscraper. NO Just Kidding!!! But you may want contact support with any errors.Step Two.1st, Make a backup of your Database call it whatever you like as long as you know where to go if the need comes up.2nd, Here is a trick I use on my local due to a few corrupt downloads that failed causing me to start a test installs from scratch.1, Create a _347 folder in your root directory and move all your files into it. Another backup you say? Yep! To go along with the above database backup should something go south on you.2, Providing you have IP.Downloads copy these files back to your Forum Root Directory from the _347folder.Copy the following folders, downloads, public, screenshots and uploads along with your conf_global.php file. Otherwise only public, uploads and conf_ global.php will due.3, Copy all the files from the IPS4.0 zip file you downloaded from your clients center to your new test install directory. From your browser go to your test install site and begin the upgrade process.......... Go to Site!If the upgrader asks for your license key, add it but remember to use -TESTINSTALL immediately after the license key. 1234567890-12345-123-12345-1234567890-TESTINSTALL Creating a Duplicate Local Test board from you Live Board.Setting up a test board for upgrade is fairly easy but time consuming.In this section of this Tutorial is a guide for those that have never attempted to create a backup test site of the original live site for upgrade compatibility or other testing purposes.For those of you creating a local test server on your own computer using server software like Wamp, Xampp or Mamp. Follow these easy steps.Make a duplicate copy of your forum site by downloading it via FTP Forum Root to a location on your PC. Now log into your cpanel, PhpMyAdmin and Export the compete associated database.In this example we will be using the Wamp environment.Copy your forum site files into your Wamp - www directory example (C:\wamp\www\test-forum) Go into Wamp via your browser PhpMyAdmin, create a new database and Import the newly saved database into it.In your forum directory C:\wamp\www\test-forum find your conf_global.php.In your conf_global.php settings you need to change these settings.$INFO['sql_database'] = 'original'; to$INFO['sql_database'] = 'new_db_name'; and$INFO['board_url'] = ''; to$INFO['board_url'] = '';And the same with the sql user if needed.$INFO['sql_user'] = 'tester';Now go to the ACP System Settings - General Configuration make all pertinent changes to Path to 'upload' directory and Upload URL. You can find the hint to these new URL's below the text boxes for example: "IP.Board has detected your uploads path as: D:/wamp/www/test-forum/uploads" and IP.Board has detected your uploads url as: These changes will also need to be made in IP.Blog Settings and IP.Gallery if you have them.Go to System - Server Environment - Settings: Server Environment click on Update Settings. This will Sync your new server location settings in your new database.Next go to Look & Feel - Disable or remove all 3rd party skins.Go to Template Tools in the left side panel check all boxes under - Rebuild Master Skin Data click the Rebuild button. When this is finished click Recache Skin Sets after. Go back to System and Cache Management. Click on Rebuild Global Chaches Cache, Rebuild FURL Cache and then Recache ALL. Though some will say this is not necessary but trust me on this. Your IPS 4 upgrade will love you for doing these.Next back under System - Manage Applications & Modules - Disable all 3rd party Apps then click Recache Apps & Modules. Next step Manage Hooks - Disable all 3rd party hooks then click Reimport Application Hooks...Now lastly before doing the actual upgrade go back to your testboard front end via your browser and test to see if all is working correctly. Making sure it is an exact mirror to your live board. ***NOTE***As you make these changes in the ACP and save each they are also saved in the new Database. (After creating a 3.4.7 test install and all is working....)Create a _347 backup folder move all the existing files into it. Thus creating a complete backup of the board you are working with. Do the same with your database by backing it up to another name like "new347-backup". You can do this in PhpMyAdmin. If you have IP.Downloads, you will want to copy (duplicate) the following folders from your _347 backup directory you just made back to your forum root. downloads, public, screenshots, uploads and conf_global.php. If you do not have IP.Downloads than all you need to copy back to the root is your public and uploads folders with the conf_global.php. So if your new forum root directory for the test upgrade is named "my-testboard" or "" the above files need to be copied there.After this has been completed copy your latest IPS4 beta files you downloaded from the client center to the forum root "my-testboard" or "" with the other files you just put there. Start the upgrade if it asks for your license key, add it but remember to use -TESTINSTALL immediately after the license key. 1234567890-12345-123-12345-1234567890-TESTINSTALL.
February 19, 20159 yr Author This method will work for any version actually.It also works if only creating a local test from a live board situation or transfering between hosts with 3.4.7 and earlier.The last comment I heard on IPS 4.0 @Charles made a comment that @Matt may have a solution for site transfer.Waiting on this one myself with a few local issues transfering between OS's
February 21, 20159 yr hello, i'd tryed many times to upgrade from 3.4.7 to 4.0 rc2 but i am getting always the same issue, pages are semi blancl : i'd forgot some thing ?
February 21, 20159 yr Author From the looks of things you lost a few of your css files.This could be a corrupt download which has happened to me a few times in file transfer.. Which came to an abrupt stop after going directly to TWC where they gave me a new modem.. LOL!!!!Try downloading a fresh copy from your clients center.In the older versions you could just copy the new file over the old.I never tried it with version 4.0 so I can't say whether or not this will fix it without a complete fresh upgrade.
February 22, 20159 yr hello, i'd tryed many times to upgrade from 3.4.7 to 4.0 rc2 but i am getting always the same issue, pages are semi blancl :i'd forgot some thing ? I seem to have the same problem .... Updating a working (test) install with one test forum, 2 users, and a small database on localhost via wamp. Working on 3.4.7. After converting and installing 4.0rc2 I end up with the same, Also when clicking on the links, I get a 404.... Only ACP links seems to work, but only text.Before testing with my 'normal' forum I like to test the upgrade process. As I can only have one test-install (which I use for my 'normal' board) I am trying to make a localhost test setup with wamp. Could this be the reason ? Maybe I should try a locahost testinstall via linux on a vmware local installation ?? Or is there a bug in the upgrade from 3.4.7 to 4rc2 ?
February 22, 20159 yr Author OK... My Question to both..After you uploaded your boards to the servers including Wamp did you go through all the processes explained in Creating a Duplicate Local Test board from you Live Board. prior to moving the RC's over?Afterwards did your test sites mirror your live sites? Look exactly the same.
February 22, 20159 yr I always get this message after Step 4 of upgrade (Applications -> Continue ...) Fatal error: Call to a member function getCode() on a non-object in /www/.../system/Theme/Theme.php(3647) : eval()'d code on line 8
February 22, 20159 yr OK... My Question to both..After you uploaded your boards to the servers including Wamp did you go through all the processes explained in Creating a Duplicate Local Test board from you Live Board. prior to moving the RC's over?Afterwards did your test sites mirror your live sites? Look exactly the same.I started with (in first post) 'step one' and both original and mirror sites looked exactly the same, also after utf-8 update of mirror-site in 3.4.7. I did not expect all the template rebuilds etc. were needed, as this was a default 3.4.7 install with only a few posts in one forum and only 2 users. So I followed your guide in the second part of the post, and now the problems seem to have disappeared. I have a 'normal' start-page now and will start testing and learning before converting my main site. Thanks for the hints and your guide !
February 24, 20159 yr Is it safe/advisable to upgrade a large forum with a 2gb+ database using the web interface? Previous versions of the upgrade script allowed you to perform database queries over ssh so that you wouldn't experience timeout issues - is that still possible (or necessary) when upgrading from 3.4.7 to 4 RC2?
February 24, 20159 yr You'll be presented with queries against tables that have x number of rows. You'll also be able to set another x value in your constants.php. I can't remember name of constant currently, but take alook in init.php and you'll find it. Either way I would say it's always advisable with test upgrades, especially with forums at your size.
February 26, 20159 yr Tried to upgrade a 3.4.7 large board to 4.0 RC3 using this procedure and the duplicate method. Went through the procedure three times with same error each time. First was with RC1, then RC2, and finally RC3. Every time, right after completing the member upgrade portion, I get this error:Fatal error: Class 'IPS\nexus\Money' not found in /......../httpdocs/applications/downloads/setup/upg_100005/upgrade.php on line 216Any ideas?
February 27, 20159 yr Author Do you have Ioncube installed for 3.4.7?Does your 3.4.7 board work as intended prior to installing the RC files?Though Ioncube is no longer needed in 4.0 it still must be installed to run Nexus in 3.4.7.
February 27, 20159 yr Yes board was working, themes removed, 3rd party apps and hooks disabled. Confirmed before copying RC3 on top and starting the upgrade process.Yes we are using Ioncube:This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine:Zend Engine v2.5.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2015 Zend Technologies with the ionCube PHP Loader v4.6.0, Copyright (c) 2002-2014, by ionCube Ltd., and with Zend OPcache v7.0.4-dev, Copyright (c) 1999-2015, by Zend Technologies
February 27, 20159 yr Author Try this -after building yet another 3.4.7 test site try disabling Nexus. Both in the Manage Applications & Modules and all hooks as well... Also disable it in the root directory/admin/applications_addons/ips/nexus by putting a hash mark in front of nexus (-nexus) restart Xampp (which appears is what you are using)...Go back into the forum via your browser and check to see if all is working other than Nexus which should be completely disabled... If all is working try the upgrade.... If the upgrade is working then you may want to submit a ticket to have tech support check your nexus application on your live board if this is the means to your test site.***Added Note***Also try downloading a fresh copy of your board and Database from your server...The easiest method would be to download the latest 3.4.7 download from the clients center and then ftp from your forum root Cache, Downloads, public, screenshots, uploads and conf_gobal.php.... Rebuild a fresh 3.4.7 test board and go from there.
February 27, 20159 yr Trying it right now. Will let you know tomorrow. It takes several hours to get through the upgrade process so won't know until the morning. Thank you very much for taking the time to reply! I really appreciate it.
February 27, 20159 yr removing leftovers - once upgraded and operational deleting all the leftover files & folders. I also noticed that since directors are merged th Admin directory is one of them that needs all the OLD admin files no longer needed.
February 28, 20159 yr Woodman, I followed your suggestions and got the same error again. Not sure where to go from there. Ocean West, I'm taking a look at your suggestions right now. UPDATE: I moved applications/downloads/setup/upg_100005/upgrade.php to upgrade.php.bak to see what would happen. Continued upgrade and it completed. Board appears to be functional so now I'm looking at this scrip to figure out what was not upgraded when I skipped it. Are you familiar with this one?
February 28, 20159 yr Author I can't say for sure without digging on where that upgrade falls into place.But when all else fails I have downloaded a fresh copy from the clients center... Corrupt downloads will screw up the works.For me I believe I am having on occasion a file transfer issue between me and IPS Called Time Warner...Because everytime I do this and rebuild a new test site the problem upgrading seems to clear...So now before I even start to get ENRAGED! I just hit the clients center for a fresh copy then send TWC my bill..... LOL!!!
February 28, 20159 yr Author removing leftovers -once upgraded and operational deleting all the leftover files & folders.I also noticed that since directors are merged th Admin directory is one of them that needs all the OLD admin files no longer needed.I agree this is where all you need for the upgrade after the initial board setup is your public and uploads directories as well as your conf_global.php to start the upgrade in which afterwards you can drop the public directory.... The rest are unneeded.But if you also have downloads and nexus you need to keep the downloads and screenshots directories even after the build.
February 28, 20159 yr Author Woodman, I followed your suggestions and got the same error again. Not sure where to go from there. Ocean West, I'm taking a look at your suggestions right now. UPDATE: I moved applications/downloads/setup/upg_100005/upgrade.php to upgrade.php.bak to see what would happen. Continued upgrade and it completed. Board appears to be functional so now I'm looking at this scrip to figure out what was not upgraded when I skipped it. Are you familiar with this one?Just looked at these files and I believe this upgrade to be from an early preview
February 28, 20159 yr A little tip regarding the setting up of the CRON job to handle the tasks for rebuilding - I upgraded my 3.4.7 test site, containing ~56,000 topics/2,600,000 posts, to RC3 on Wednesday and calculated out that the rebuilding tasks would take close to 72 hours to complete even with the CRON job set to every 1 minute (was seeing only a .02% increase every minute for the posts rebuild) The smallest interval that a CRON job can run at is every 1 minute - but there is a way to go lower: sleep xx; (where xx is the number of seconds to wait before running the command after the ; )I have 3 CRON jobs now set up to run the tasks, each every minute - first one is as presented by IPS when viewing the CRON options within the ACP, but the other two have sleep 20; and sleep 40; added prior to the same command.Result: the task processing was down to every 20 seconds, and I started seeing a .05%/.06% increase every minute for the posts rebuild as a result. So if you are in a position to know that running faster than a minute will not impact your hosting, then give it a try.Note: once the rebuild is complete, no real need to keep the extra 2 so just revert back to having the 1 running every minute.
February 28, 20159 yr Author I can't do Cron Jobs on Wamp 32bit at the moment... All it does is destroys it. This version of Wamp that is which is their latest version.