Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
July 14, 20159 yr Reading the posts in the topic could really do with a FAQ, So many helpful stuff from the users! - About to buy it and am happy that you can contact the maker so easy too
July 14, 20159 yr Author So recommendation to IPS is to automatically rebuild themes on disabling of any applications.That.
July 17, 20159 yr Author New version in the marketplace - 1.1.9:new collab category option to include the category on forums indexredirect forums pointed at collab categories will now show active category inforedirect forums pointed at collaborations will now show recent collab activitynew widget added to display a list of the currently logged in member's collabsupdated collab header to display slightly smaller when not viewing collab homepageupdated all GC templates to property indicate read/unread contentimproved collab listings in collab categories to display content breakdowns and latest post activityadded new option to collab categories to require approval of newly created collabsFuture roadmap:Allow custom FURL per collabAdd global option to all IPS widgets to choose display on either collab pages, or non collab pages, with additional option to target display to specific collab categoriesSend group based PM'sCreate a new "VNC" to display only new content for specific collabsAllow site admin to choose custom theme selection for collabs based on categoryAllow collab owners to choose from authorized custom themes for their collabs
July 17, 20159 yr nice improvements @Kevin Carwile nice to see the main index inclusion - is there any means to move the order somewhere other then at the very bottom of the forum index?
July 17, 20159 yr Author nice improvements @Kevin Carwile nice to see the main index inclusion - is there any means to move the order somewhere other then at the very bottom of the forum index?redirect forums pointed at collab categories will now show active category inforedirect forums pointed at collaborations will now show recent collab activityIn other words, create a forum as a redirect link and put in the link to either a collab category or a collaboration homepage and then you can re-order within the forums to achieve perfect placement. Edited July 17, 20159 yr by Kevin Carwile
July 17, 20159 yr New version in the marketplace - 1.1.9:new collab category option to include the category on forums indexredirect forums pointed at collab categories will now show active category inforedirect forums pointed at collaborations will now show recent collab activitynew widget added to display a list of the currently logged in member's collabsupdated collab header to display slightly smaller when not viewing collab homepageupdated all GC templates to property indicate read/unread contentimproved collab listings in collab categories to display content breakdowns and latest post activityadded new option to collab categories to require approval of newly created collabsFuture roadmap:Allow custom FURL per collabAdd global option to all IPS widgets to choose display on either collab pages, or non collab pages, with additional option to target display to specific collab categoriesSend group based PM'sCreate a new "VNC" to display only new content for specific collabsAllow site admin to choose custom theme selection for collabs based on categoryAllow collab owners to choose from authorized custom themes for their collabsKevin - You have in one update resolved the only frustrations that were outstanding to make this integrate beautifully with the rest of the suite. I can say no more other than AWESOME AWESOME AWESOMEWell Done and Thank You for listening to feedback. You really do take on board all suggestions and then just make them happen. AMAZING
July 17, 20159 yr @Kevin Carwile - Within the category itself the last post info shows the last post made in that collaboration inline with the rest of the suite. If you include a category on the board index irrespective of if you toggle the switch for the category to display or if you have it set up with re-direct forums where you would expect to see the last post info it actually displays the collaboration title that the latest post was made within and the community lead. Is there a way to change this to display the last post from any within that collaboration category and the last poster to keep it inline with the expected behaviour across the suite?Happy to make a template edit if it's as simple as that?Many Thanks
July 17, 20159 yr updated all GC templates to property indicate read/unread contentIt would also be really useful to be able to click on the Icons to mark a collaboration or section of a collaboration as read like you can on the main board with standard forums.
July 17, 20159 yr Author @Kevin Carwile - Within the category itself the last post info shows the last post made in that collaboration inline with the rest of the suite. If you include a category on the board index irrespective of if you toggle the switch for the category to display or if you have it set up with re-direct forums where you would expect to see the last post info it actually displays the collaboration title that the latest post was made within and the community lead. Is there a way to change this to display the last post from any within that collaboration category and the last poster to keep it inline with the expected behaviour across the suite?Happy to make a template edit if it's as simple as that?Many ThanksIt seems like a simple thing on the face...But then it becomes a lot more complicated as soon as you get past the surface, because collaborations can contain content from every app in the system.For example, in order to show if there is read/unread content for just a single collaboration (and also which is the latest post), it becomes apparent that every app and every container ( forums, galleries, databases, etc ) inside the collaboration must be queried and cross referenced with permissions to see "where" the latest post is at that you actually have permission to see. This gets expensive quick, and will become only more expensive the larger the collaboration gets ( in terms of SQL, memory, processing, etc ). For a category, that problem only becomes more compounded because now you have to lift that load for every collaboration in the category, and every time the page is viewed because it could change from moment to moment, and it also cannot be cached because it depends on not only site permissions, but the permissions within the group also.Because of this, categories will only show the latest collaboration to have activity. You may think... well if you know that, then why can't you just show what the latest post was? It's because you may not actually have permission to see what the latest post was in that collaboration! So in reality, the latest ( that you are actually able to see ) may be in a different collaboration... but in order to know that we go back to the problem of having to check every collaboration in the category.
July 17, 20159 yr @Kevin Carwile Thank you for the explanation, makes sense and yes I can see the logic as to why you have created it the way you have.One other thing that stands out from the changes (loving them by the way) is that when you look at the collaboration list within a category it displays X Contributions. I don't think it is calculating this correctly because it is actually just calculating a topic as one contribution irrespective of how many replies are made. I would have thought it should count all posts, images etc basically all content items and displayed the total figure here. Is this intended also?
July 17, 20159 yr Author @Kevin Carwile Thank you for the explanation, makes sense and yes I can see the logic as to why you have created it the way you have.One other thing that stands out from the changes (loving them by the way) is that when you look at the collaboration list within a category it displays X Contributions. I don't think it is calculating this correctly because it is actually just calculating a topic as one contribution irrespective of how many replies are made. I would have thought it should count all posts, images etc basically all content items and displayed the total figure here. Is this intended also?Yes, intended. You can rename "contributions" to whatever you like but it is basically the content item count. I discovered a bit of an issue with tracking total comment counts (cross app) which made content item count seem more practical at the moment since it still gives a good idea of the relative depth of any particular collab.But nothing is set in stone.
July 17, 20159 yr @Kevin Carwile It also appears that the sort order within a category is defaulting to Custom as opposed to how we had it before to by Title (Alphabetically) or Start Date etc Also the date shown for the last post info is the topic start date and not the last actual response to that topic, can this be updated please as it looks like a topic has not been updated for months if its a long running thread.
July 18, 20159 yr When watching VNC (New content), we see a link both to the topic replied in and to the group it was posted in. Can that be changed, so the group doesn´t show on New content. Only the topic link?
July 19, 20159 yr @Kevin Carwile Could you add the ability to set a default sort order for the collaboration list within a category. That way we can set a category to show the list of collaborations by either last reply, creation date etc. ideally from the admin on a per category basis.Thanks
July 19, 20159 yr Im not quite sure why some of the collars have a breakdown of the content and others don't. The one in the green box area have n breakdown at all. How is this controlled please? Thank you
July 19, 20159 yr HiHow do I make the images full size like background images for each category please?At the moment when I create a category it allows me to upload (attach) an image into a text box and I added an image 800 wide to see if that might work but it simply resized the image.Here is how the cats are displaying with a resized image and lots of black space ideas what I might be doing wrong @Kevin Carwile ?
July 19, 20159 yr Author How do I make the images full size like background images for each category please?Don't upload the image into the description text box. Instead, when you visit the category page there is a button in the category header to upload a background photo.
July 19, 20159 yr Don't upload the image into the description text box. Instead, when you visit the category page there is a button in the category header to upload a background photo.awww yeah... now why didn't I notice that hmm ... thanks @Kevin Carwile looks like the image needs to be 800 by 200 to cover the black bit at the bottom Edited July 19, 20159 yr by kar3n2
July 20, 20159 yr Can anyone tell me how to change the collab owner? I already did that, but can't find it anymore :s nvm found it
July 21, 20159 yr Author @Kevin Carwile - Can the owner define tags specific to their collab?No. But I like the idea.
July 23, 20159 yr We have another thingy on our forum, when it comes to joining and posting in a group.Our members have finally approved the concept (after world war 21 on the forum), but with one issue.The open groups should be 100% open. The benefit of this would be that members who created a group can still moderate their forum, but all members of the site can post and create content without having to "join" the group.So my suggestion is to either have a 5th option for the group categories which makes this possible or the possibility for the admin to set the permissions in the flagged standard group, as it seems the permissions in newly created groups, do not follow the flagged group today.Or if it could be done with your "Rules" application?
July 23, 20159 yr Solved the issue with Rules and automatically joining members who visit the group or the group topic.With a few conditions.... This way there is no need for members to join any group, but the group owner still has control over the members and content.And most important, my members don´t have to click two times to actually join an open group, which apparently has been the worst thing in the world. Have to say that your Rules application is by far the best thing that has happened to me as an admin.Very big thanks for that...
July 24, 20159 yr Author Solved the issue with Rules and automatically joining members who visit the group or the group topic.With a few conditions.... This way there is no need for members to join any group, but the group owner still has control over the members and content.And most important, my members don´t have to click two times to actually join an open group, which apparently has been the worst thing in the world. Have to say that your Rules application is by far the best thing that has happened to me as an admin.Very big thanks for that... You may be making it more complicated than it needs be. In the collaboration, the owner just has to give permission to "guests" to view/post/reply/etc. A guest is someone who is not an active member of the collab (i.e. everybody else on the site).