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Are we close to the final release?

Kirill N

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It should be soon, we're getting very close! :) Obviously we want the product as stable and polished as possible, but also recognize we have to draw the line somewhere. I would say we're to the point where we're looking at a timeframe of weeks instead of months. 

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I can't even upgrade from Beta 5a without errors so I don't hold out much hope.  After two years since announcing it though they're bound to have got something right :)

​had upgrade errors as well and posted bug report as yet seems no one else had issues

If you had same problem then might want to try using the 'continue' button, it does install after that but no idea if there is anything wrong elsewhere

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No, this isn't another "Please give us the date" topic! What I'm asking is, what are you thoughts on Beta 6 and are we close to a final and polished product? 

​Depends on the apps you want to use. 4.0 forums are already up and running without much problems. If you want to use apps like Pages or Commerce it’s a different story unfortunately …

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​Depends on the apps you want to use. 4.0 forums are already up and running without much problems. If you want to use apps like Pages or Commerce it’s a different story unfortunately …

​Out of curiosity, on your forum...with the pictures of what I assume are your members at the top above the forums...is that Board index face Mod(If so, I have never seen it displayed like that before) OR another mod or a custom design?

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​had upgrade errors as well and posted bug report as yet seems no one else had issues

If you had same problem then might want to try using the 'continue' button, it does install after that but no idea if there is anything wrong elsewhere

​No the buttons didn't work for me but Brandon fixed it so I can play with Beta 6 now :)

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