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Pages Fields - Photo Upload


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It would be great to have the option of uploading images to a specific gallery from a db entry form.

Ideally what I would like to do is to have gallery options integrated into the pages upload. If as a part of a record, users could upload X number of images to a specific gallery album that would be linked to in the db record. 

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When someone creates a new thread entry they have the option to upload images at that point which would become part of the entry.  Just like for this post, I can attach an image.  That would be the same when creating an entry.  Unless I'm not understanding you correctly.

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As I see it right now, an image can be uploaded to the Pages DB, but then ancillary metadata like a description and EXIF information is not readily accessible. It would be nice if gallery was incorporated and all of that functionality was directly and easily accessible for images uploaded into pages. 

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Sounds like a useful feature for 4.1 or 4.2. ;-)

I agree that photo albums are much more useful in a suite than just having them tucked away in some sub-category of the gallery section. They could be embedded everywhere: pages, forum posts, events, blogs …

And in turn: When creating a record in any of these sections, it would be useful to have an optional pop-up for adding a photo album first and then embedding that album as widget in optional styles like thumbnail grid, slideshow and so on. 

I am also currently thinking about adding galleries to Pages databases. But why should I develop a custom gallery out of attachments or single upload fields when I have the gallery app installed as well. That functionality could directly come from there. 

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