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Who is browsing your profile...what do you think?


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I just had one of my tester raise an issue about people showing in the little block on the bottom left of the profiles you are visiting.

She mentioned that she seriously would not want people to know that she looked at their profiles or who was looking at hers. I don t see what is the issue really but would there be a way to be able to decide if you want to have people know you visited their profile? Like if I look at Matt's profile it is not because I want to stalk him but if I was looking at some female member I would not want them to think I was a perv or something so I would rather they not know that I was looking at their page.

Is this an issue for some of you or your members? Personally I don t mind but she was very strongly worried about this. I tried to explain that it was managing for the exception and that the counter was only showing the last X number (how many people is it by the way). Could we allow the members themselves to not have to log in anonymously and be able to surf profiles without thinking they could be seen as pervs?

I d like to know what you guys think...let me know

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I believe this is called paranoia.

Does she feel like viewing someones profile means you're in love with them or something?

But I do have a question....

Who "surf's profiles" on a forum?That sounds like a really odd thing to do instead of contributing in actual forum topics. If she is stalking, then it explain why she would be paranoid about not letting people see she's looking at their profile.

If a person's mindset makes them feel that looking at the opposite sex means you're either: in love with them or a pervert. They are in need of help from someone to correct their view of the opposite sex. This guilt is probably a side effect from faminazi tribes rampaging around of recent years trying to make an issue out of everything and slaughtering everyone who doesn't share their hive-mind.

It is a sad day when looking at another human(online or not) implies something sexual and/or being afraid of something completely innocent.

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I believe this is called paranoia.


I understand people who want private Blogs or want to hide some personal informations, but i don't see a Problem with that (they are also allowed to hide their "Last Profilevisitors"... )

If allowed (i do so), People use the anonymous Login to hide themself from everything :) (Some use it, before they watch the "n**ed woman-thread" :)

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No I didn t mean people she said she wants to hide who visits her profile, she said that many members may not like the fact like on Linkedin where the person's page you visited shows your name and that it may put off some members as they may not want to be tracked as they look at people's profile.

I understand that point because myself I can not stand that Linkedin tells whoever profile I looked at that I looked at them...this is why I never log in Linkedin so that they don t tell who I look at. It may be a colleage or an ex...I would not want them to know I looked at their page...i think that is what she meant

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​Thanks Andy I know you can disable it if you do not want to show who visited your page

If you log in anonymously does the person you visit the profile knows that you have viewed it or do you now show then? Because that could be a solution for her and members who would not want to be tracked...

Also can you set the number of last visitors that show on that block? like 10 or 5 or 2 or 20? or is the number hard coded?

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If you log in anonymously does the person you visit the profile knows that you have viewed it or do you now show then? Because that could be a solution for her and members who would not want to be tracked...

No, logging in anonymously prevents entries from being recorded in the latest visitors block.

(You can easily try it yourself and see, log out and log back on anonymously then visit someone's profile)

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