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Quote: Original Post link


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It would also be necessary to take some care to avoid "useless redirects".

If the post (original post) is referred on the same page, just scroll the screen to the quote, and only if the message is mentioned on another page, the redirect happens, it can leave the most dynamic forum for those who want to follow the quotes to accompany posts .

The original post is located just above the message that quoted. Clicking on the link "Go to original post" as both are on the same page, should only, scroll up the page and focus on the original post, avoid unnecessary one redirection.
And only if the original post, was on another page, we would have a redirect.


I don’t mind the way it is now. I can open the full link in a new tab, I can easily share and reuse it elsewhere and it stays correct, even if the admin decides to change the number of posts per page. 

The only downside is, that clicking such a link takes a little bit longer. But since following such links isn’t something I do a lot, I don’t mind that. 

Just my 2 cents …


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