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Can't connect to IPB after MySQL upgrade

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Hey guys, I was running an update on my server from MySQL 5 to MySQL 5.5. After the upgrade, all my sites works fine, but I cannot connect to my IPB forums. In Firefox, all it says is "The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading." -- it's not loading at all. Any ideas? Site is here: http://aphnetworks.com/forums/

Apache version 2.2.27 PHP version 5.4.30 MySQL version 5.5.37-cll

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Yes, it's a cPanel server.

MySQL is on. I am running my main site without any issues. The only thing that is down is IPB, which is showing identical symptoms between the linked forums above, and my separate test forum on the same server. The 2 forum installs are running on 2 different installs.

Also recompiled PHP and Apache to no avail.

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