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invisionpower.com loading slow?

Sinistra Sensei

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Hey guys I am just wondering if I am the only one suffering form this. When I click on a link near the top say "client area" It ether loads a blank page or doesn't load. after hitting refresh it will load fine. I am just wondering if this is an internet issue or if its a site issue. It dose not happen all the time so its random to reproduce


its been good for last hour + here.

had really high ping times when it was acting up, I forget the specifics but I attributed it to a network issue somewheres in the chain.


II did do that but forgot to copy it, it did show issues I just don't remember where.

it looked to me (at a glance) like there were cloudflare ips involved but I failed to copy the info for accuracy.

so take that with a shaker full of salt.


We no longer use Cloudflare, so there shouldn't be any Cloudflare IP's (or involvement) at all in the results.

But if you see Cloudflare anywhere in the tracert, send me a PM with that output, please?


Also cannot load Client Area:

Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to www.invisionpower.com

Marketplace is loading ~9 seconds

tracert www.invisionpower.com
Tracing route to invisionpower.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  MitraStar.Home [xx.xx.1.254]
  2    51 ms    16 ms    16 ms  xx.xx.104.1
  3    17 ms    17 ms    17 ms  xx.xx.59.253
  4    23 ms    21 ms    25 ms  tenge-6-1-1.core2.dbn.core.eircom.net [xx.xx.253
  5    25 ms    21 ms    21 ms  tenge-2-2-1.core2.bdt.core.eircom.net [xx.xx.252
  6    21 ms     *       20 ms  ge0-0-0.peering1.csg.dublin.eircom.net [xx.xx.24
  7     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  8   131 ms   131 ms   131 ms  ae-12-12.ebr2.Paris1.Level3.net []
  9   131 ms   131 ms   131 ms  ae-44-44.ebr2.Washington1.Level3.net [
 10   133 ms     *      134 ms  ae-46-46.ebr2.Washington12.Level3.net [4.69.202.
 11   131 ms   132 ms   130 ms  ae-6-6.ebr2.Chicago2.Level3.net []
 12   131 ms   131 ms   131 ms  ae-202-3602.edge2.Chicago2.Level3.net [4.69.158.
 13   131 ms     *      131 ms  EASY-ONLINE.edge2.Chicago2.Level3.net [
 14   138 ms   137 ms   137 ms  lw-core4-te91.rtr.liquidweb.com []
 15   135 ms   135 ms     *     lw-dc3-dist14.rtr.liquidweb.com []
 16   139 ms   137 ms   137 ms
 17   138 ms   138 ms   137 ms  corp01.lw.ipslink.com []
Trace complete.

We no longer use Cloudflare, so there shouldn't be any Cloudflare IP's (or involvement) at all in the results.

But if you see Cloudflare anywhere in the tracert, send me a PM with that output, please?

like I said, was a quick glance so I easily may have read it wrong then.


We no longer use Cloudflare, so there shouldn't be any Cloudflare IP's (or involvement) at all in the results.

But if you see Cloudflare anywhere in the tracert, send me a PM with that output, please?

Thank goodness, between the slow load times, the site switching from Costa Rico, Europe, and USA everytime you clicked on a forum, topic, pm center you never knew how long it would take to load.

The IPB site has been running really good lately.

  • 3 weeks later...

Doing it for me too right now. Had to refresh a few times.

Same here, and every time it happens I hope it's because they're upgrading the forums to 4.0 :P


Same here, and every time it happens I hope it's because they're upgrading the forums to 4.0 :tongue:

Me too! I was thinking, OH BOY!! I BET THEY'RE UPGRADING TO 4.0 Beta!!

grr... took 3 clicks on the button to get that last one to post.


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