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We don't have an app. There won't be a 'mobile skin' in 4.0 - instead, the default skin will be responsive, meaning the same skin will work on both desktops and mobiles, and adapt to to the screen size. Have a look at the blog for a demonstration.

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We don't have an app. There won't be a 'mobile skin' in 4.0 - instead, the default skin will be responsive, meaning the same skin will work on both desktops and mobiles, and adapt to to the screen size. Have a look at the AdminCP blog for a demonstration.

Responsive design is great and all but what people seem to forget is that mobile bandwidth in most countries are very expensive you only hide or alter how it looks with responsive design. For example you have a page that is 2MB in size and you have one image that is 1MB that is 3MB for desktop no problem but mobile it is because the CSS hides the image and does not prevent the download of the image. If you have a good mobile template the image is not downloaded until the user asks for the image by pressing a link and it gets inserted by a separate download, you now all ready saved 1MB of data to the mobile user and you saved the server the same amount. A good designed mobile template only download the bare minimum and automatically adjust size in width not by CSS but by GD or something else.

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