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SQL Error Logs

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 06:43:00 +0000 Error: 1203 - User xxxxxx already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections IP Address: xx.xx.xx.xx - / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I see this message in Logs, what i can do? the problem is from this error log?

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Or they just aren't catching your forum when its actually offline.

The error means your hosts maximum allowed MySQL connections is being exceeded.

You should forward that information to your web host if you have not already.

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i send them too many times tickets but nothing.

web host: hosting24.com

the last message from them:

If you get 'User XXX already has more than max_user_connections active connections' or similar error message, it means your script is not optimized and makes too many connections to the database (or your website is very active, has many users online at the same time).

You may want to run mysql_reconnect command before each query in this case. Also add command mysql_close()at the end of your script to close all open connections.

I will be pleased to answer any additional questions you may have.


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Hosting24 is one of the only shared hosts I've used, and that was several years ago. I don't know how much has changed since, but they were a good provider when I used them.

Their response to you was good and detailed, how many active users does your forum usually have during peak hours?

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  • 1 month later...

From hosting company:

This is not related to your visitor count. This is regarding the number of MySQL connections your MySQL user has.

You may want to run mysql_reconnect command before each query in this case. Also add command mysql_close()at the end of your script to close all open connections.

Thank you for the inquiry and good luck.


now? :hmm:

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Can you ask them what the maximum number of MySQL connections they allow is?

Do you have any third party hooks/applications on your forum? What are they if so? Try disabling some of your hooks if you are and see if the issues go away.

Shoutbox hooks can really hammer your limitations on a shared host, for example.

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Can you ask them what the maximum number of MySQL connections they allow is?

i m waiting answer from host

Do you have any third party hooks/applications on your forum? What are they if so? Try disabling some of your hooks if you are and see if the issues go away.

yes i have , i ll try with no hooks - yes i have and shutbox

thanks for answer Kirito :smile:

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