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Poor Support in IPS Marketplace

Bernabe Guerra Jr.

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To Whom it may concern,

I truly respect that developers carry a lot of load and come up with some the best products as additions to IPS. Users like myself, we spend a lot of load ourselves to and unloading an immense amount of $ and expect in return adequate and timely support for products we paid for.

If DEVs are do not have the time to provide support, they should not be asking a large or sum of money for something they will not be providing support for. Now don't get me wrong, there are some like Adriano and others that provide fast support, but there are many out there that put outrageous prices on their products in desperation to make a profit quickly and do not provide support as supposed to!

My question: Is the IPS market place there for the intent of making a profit and don't really care about providing support or is it there to improve and enhance IPS board users to create a better community?

I have no problem paying DEVs the money they deserve for countless hours of coding and coming up with great products, but this needs to stop for those that are not capable of providing support for products they provide, but care more for a financial gain!

We should be given an option to rate those that are selling products so that the IPS community team can monitor this type of inadequate support given to customers on products that require support in the first place.

I'm a proud supporter of IPS and love that I've joined, but we need to do better than this because I know I'm not the only one experiencing this. As competitiveness of CMS out there in comparison to costs, etc., we can do better than this.




You suggest that IPS implements somewhat artificial ranking for "quality of support"?

While many of the mods are either not developed anymore or with bad support, you have all the information you need to filter them out. Just browse the support topic and check how often the developer replies to questions, how fast are bug fixes released, how often is the mod updated, developer attitude towards questions - pretty much everything you need to know is available before making the purchase.


If DEVs are do not have the time to provide support, they should not be asking a large or sum of money for something they will not be providing support for. Now don't get me wrong, there are some like Adriano and others that provide fast support, but there are many out there that put outrageous prices on their products in desperation to make a profit quickly and do not provide support as supposed to!

Sorry for this ( http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/387070-best-answers-slider/?p=2410054 ) but I don't have Content or even knowledge to help you with it.

You suggest that IPS implements somewhat artificial ranking for "quality of support"?

While many of the mods are either not developed anymore or with bad support, you have all the information you need to filter them out. Just browse the support topic and check how often the developer replies to questions, how fast are bug fixes released, how often is the mod updated, developer attitude towards questions - pretty much everything you need to know is available before making the purchase.

Point taken.. although this shouldn't be the case for new users coming on board trying to decipher needles in a haystack.


Point taken.. although this shouldn't be the case for new users coming on board trying to decipher needles in a haystack.

Like everywhere, the buyer should do a little homework :) You don't buy from amazon just based on average rating, do you? You might get stuck in similar situation:


Anyway, I have purchased 3 apps, some paid hooks and have received excellent support on all of them. Sometimes the answers are within a few minutes, on only one I had to wait 2 days, not a big deal. I hope the situation described by you is the exception, not the norm...


Before parting with your money you should read the support forum for the mod.

The Devs that I have bought from here provide superb service e.g. Marcher Technologies, PrinceofAbyss, The ProMenu guys


Don't forget to add Stoo, M4rtin, Ryan, Michael (the previous Marketplace moderator), etc etc. All this geeks are gr8 when comes to support!


Like everywhere, the buyer should do a little homework :smile: You don't buy from amazon just based on average rating, do you? You might get stuck in similar situation:


Anyway, I have purchased 3 apps, some paid hooks and have received excellent support on all of them. Sometimes the answers are within a few minutes, on only one I had to wait 2 days, not a big deal. I hope the situation described by you is the exception, not the norm...

You don't buy from Ebay if the seller has a poor rating don't you?


Before parting with your money you should read the support forum for the mod.

The Devs that I have bought from here provide superb service e.g. Marcher Technologies, PrinceofAbyss, The ProMenu guys

To name a few.. I agree! They're excellent as I've purchased from them to.

Let's not all get offended here and now mark me as the bad guy here!! :smile:

All I'm saying is to take a closer look into it as they're are many out there not providing support.


If I may ask, what do you consider 'an immense amount of $'?

Probably like charging for 30$ just for few rank images or 50$ for small hook. But I guess it's all subjective and opinion changes from person to person.


Most apps in the marketplace are cheap. You shouldn't expect premium grade support from most of the items in the marketplace. If an item in the marketplace has a high rating and many positive reviews and you're having issues, chances are you're doing something wrong or something is misconfigured in your environment. This isn't the developers problem, this is your problem. You shouldn't expect the developer to help you fix a problem on your end. If a hook or application is genuinely not functioning properly for the versions it is advertised to support, that's when you should request support from the developer.

Otherwise, you should not expect any dedicated support. It's a developers job to develop quality software that works as advertised. If you believe a hook is genuinely broken and you're not receiving any support from the developer, you should report the hook so a marketplace moderator can review it.

Can you provide some examples where you believe you are not receiving adequate support? Where it is a fault of the developer and not a problem on your end?

You don't buy from Ebay if the seller has a poor rating don't you?

A seller has a poor rating if they ship broken products. They don't maintain poor ratings because they don't offer fast responsive support to everyone, because most of the time, no support is even needed. They maintain a high rating by shipping products as advertised in a timely fashion.


You're absolutely correct and the have the right to give your opinion on how you see it coming from your end. They're too many examples and variables to mention, but I can assure that all you have to do is look around in the market place and see that customers complain of inadequate support given for the product purchased. Although I won't mention it here as it's probably unethical to do so to bash someone. I would say it would require more research from IPS to identify those areas of concern if need be.

How about a poll on this site to help identify a such a trend if any? Would you agree?

Bottom line, if it's a product being sold, regardless of the type of product if it's software or a physical item, effective communication is key and support should be rendered. Ebay sellers are not only rated for just shipment of products.., they are rated for other reasons as well.

Not one product being sold here will be perfect and will require some type of support at any given time, we all know that. Some DEVS are good yes.. of course we don't expect premium support, but not all are created equal. Will it be a user problem, yes it can be, and probably new to IPS and they're trying to decipher how to navigate or how to apply a process.


I can assure that all you have to do is look around in the market place and see that customers complain of inadequate support given for the product purchased.

The thing is though, all I've seen are people complaining about not getting the exact kind of support I mentioned them not being entitled to above. They do something wrong, they misconfigure something, or they can't install the hook properly, so they expect the developer to do it for them and get angry when they won't. People expect to get way more than they pay for.

I do acknowledge there are and have been a few problem members in the marketplace, but I think they are definitely a minority.

I respect you not wanting to call anyone out though, so this is just my opinion based on what I've actually seen.

I agree.. there are some out there! According to IPS - You must provide technical support for your submissions or they will be removed.

Now on IPS support, They've exceeded my expectations like always! I wouldn't trade to another CMS as I'm very comfortable with it.


Now are we talking about a few days wait or absolute denial of support?

I have marketplace clients, then i have "private" clients. My private clients however take priority over marketplace clients. When i'm contacted for support or informed of a bug, I give them a "severity" rating, "not a bug/Not My problem", "minor annoyance", "moderate annoyance", "minor problem", "moderate problem" and finally "show stopper". most things classed moderate annoyance and below, I can take anywhere from a few days to a month (possibly more) to fix (as often times i will let them stack up, and take care of them all in one go). minor problem and moderate problems, I try to get done with in a week or so, and show stopper, depending really. If it is effecting dozens of markeplateplace clients, I'll try to move it to the front of the list, if it only effecting 1 or 2, I'll try to get to it with in a few days.

Then there is the "ugh, can not reproduce" problems we all come across. these are so numerous, that often time i just put them in "not a bug/not my problem" category. if i ask a client the steps to reproduce and i can't reproduce on my 3 dev servers and my main server, if i have time, i'll go to their server to see if i can see anything that stands out. but most of the time, i don't have time to go chasing wild horses.

Lately tho, its been "conflicts" that i've been running into. those are the worst type of support tickets to get, as most of the time its your thing not working, but the thing causing the conflict is. explaining that to the client is difficult, as they only see yours not working...

then lastly, the one that drives me insane the most. IPS updates. I can not fathom how many times, 30 minutes after a new IPS update pops, I get a torrent of emails/PM's asking "does this work with <insert latest IPS build>?" or "hey this isn't working since i updated to <insert latest IPS build>". I hit the ground running at the same time with IPS updates as the clients typically do, and that takes time to test the products with.

I however am not gonna lie, there have been times i have simply forgotten or have brushed off "support/bug request", cause a support topic isn't a very good means of keeping track of all that stuff, and considering i spent time and money on a bug report system for my site, that has been used once since setting it up back in like august of last year, and to note, it was used once by a beta tester for promenu 3 series, which had conditions attached to it.

So to me, that is the biggest difference between IPS support and My support. 99.9999% of the time, I get a forum post or a personal message, they enforce the use of their bug tracking systems. maybe that is something i shall consider in the near future.


I submitted a report on a paid hook and haven't gotten a response from either end.

I quickly looked for a report from yourself but was unable to find one. Please PM an MP Moderator with the details and we'll see what the concern is. :)


but this needs to stop for those that are not capable of providing support for products they provide, but care more for a financial gain!

day-in... day-out... day-in...

BOSS: No pay this week Fred.

Fred: WHAT!?!? But I provided support for over 100 cases this week.

BOSS: Yeah... support doesn't actually make us money... so, well, yeah.

BOSS: If you want to earn money spend your time making new products instead of supporting older ones for no pay!

Fred: But customers will get angry...

BOSS: Fred... you want to buy food right? Think of your children...

Fred: o..Uh...


(I quoted this for a joke, don't hurt me)


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