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Download: Italian Launguage Pack

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File Name: Italian Launguage Pack

File Submitter: OmekaTeam

File Submitted: 09 Apr 2013

File Category: Language Packs


Visit your Admin Control Panel > "Look / Feel" tab and click Manage Languages.

Using the 'Upload language pack from your computer' section, browse for the supplied "language xml.gz" and click Import.

Importing language packs can be slightly resource intensive, especially with larger packs. Please be patient as it make take a short time to complete the operation. The translation is only forum and is divided into three files for easier loading, You will also find a txt file with instructions to install it. This translation was done by Unicode characters, so that it can not give you any kind of error with accented after installation. Please report any errors in omeka_1@yahoo.it


Visita il tuo pannello di amministrazione di controllo> "Look / Feel" -> Gestione Linguaggi.

Utilizzando il 'pacchetto di lingua caricare dal tuo computer' da selezionare, cercare il "linguaggio xml.gz" in dotazione e cliccare su Importa.

Importazione di pacchetti di lingua può essere leggermente alta intensità di risorse, soprattutto con pacchetti di grandi dimensioni. La traduzione è solo forum ed è divisa in tre file per agevolare il caricamento, troverete anche un file txt con le istruzioni per installarla. Questa traduzione è stata effettuata tramite caratteri Unicode, in modo che non possa darvi alcun tipo di errore con le accentate, dopo l'installazione. Segnalate eventuali errori a omeka_1@yahoo.it. Si prega di essere pazienti, ci vorrà un breve periodo di tempo per completare l'operazione.

here to download this file

Tried it, ended up with all the board in Italian. tried the SQL query and got this:

Table '(deleted due to security concerns).core_sys_lang_words' doesn't exist

The thing is, if you use some database prefix, you MUST include the prefix in the query as well. After some tries and attempts and recaching I ended up with the most of my board back in English, but not all, and still no selection for Italian language. See http://forum.italkmoney.com

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Now I first need help to put the remaining part back in English and then step by step instructions how to Install Italian while keeping English. Thank you in advance!

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Have you tried the query to restore the English language? I do not think that it is a problem of language Italian. Your forum has the IPB version 3.4.3 and you have installed the version 3.4.4, but I do not think this is also a problem. From what I understand you no longer have the English translation of the package "core," I understand you correctly? Attached to the translation, I have included a .txt file on how to install the Italian language, you read it? Is in both English and in Italian.

I'm sorry, but I did not understand your quote.

Appearance hear from you.

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This is my forum and as you can see everything is ok.


Yes I've tried the query but it failed before I've added the database prefix. Actually, in the installation readme file there's NO mention of any query, I've only found out about it after I went to the URL mentioned in the Italian part of the instructions. And there I saw this:

UPDATE core_sys_lang_words SET word_custom = '' WHERE lang_id = '1';

Which should be rewritten to state something like this:

UPDATE (database prefix if any)core_sys_lang_words SET word_custom = '' WHERE lang_id = '1'; with the explanation that if one uses prefix in the database that exactly same prefix must be added to the query or the query will fail.

Anyway, even after the successful query execution and recaching the language I've left with the core in Italian. So now I'll try the route I've found in another forum regarding replacement of xml files, but you really need to improve your installation instructions.

I've just tried replacing all xml language files and rebuilding language using those, but I'm still stuck to the forum core being in Italian. WTF!!!

Ok, so I've manually reverted almost everything, much better things to do on nice and sunny Saturday, but what the hell... Few advices for you:

Make life easier for yourself and your users/customers. Produce one "language.xml.gz" file and warn users about possible server issue (BTW, I've just successfully installed Portuguese (BR) language that way, it took me under a minute, no problems, no headache, no extra work to be done).

For the other option (several files), warn users IN ENGLISH, what is going to happen, and provide instructions IN ENGLISH what to do after the installation. Also, be ready to HELP users get back to square one, if something goes wrong.

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You have not read the txt file with the instructions, otherwise you would understand how to install the language, and the package of language I have divided into three parts for not having timeout errors when you load the language. Proper operation of the query and the recache to restore language in English, but I do not understand why you had these errors. I attach the package of language in one file, then let me know if you have solved.

After loading the file or files, you have to restore the English language, as it goes to spvrascivere that, too, but it is not a problem, with a small query can re-establish. We proceed in this way:

ACP-> Support -> SQL Management -> SQL Toolbox, Scroll to the bottom of the window-> Manual Query-> Advanced Users Only and enter the following command:

UPDATE core_sys_lang_words SET word_custom = '' WHERE lang_id = '1';

ACP-> System-> Tools & Settings-> Cache Menagement-> Lang_data-> right-click on the arrows green circular.



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