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When will split core IPB from IPB forum?


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By the beginning of 2012 I opened a topic (which no longer find it now - I think it was deleted and I do not know why?) that was called something like this: "When it comes IPB 4?". I mentioned in that topic importance of IPB as a core suite which to attach components IPB.

Now, I see that intend this but when that happens? Or, more precisely, when we see separate core of the current IPB forum?

A little tip for IPB developers: Stop wasting time with IPB 3.4.X. .. for wasting time in vain. On the other hand, do not overlook what I have said here in the post no.29:


Then, from what was said above, I added problem here:

which for me is not resolved.

So, we see in this year IPB core separate from IPB forum ?

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By the beginning of 2012 I opened a topic (which no longer find it now - I think it was deleted and I do not know why?) that was called something like this: "When it comes IPB 4?". I mentioned in that topic importance of IPB as a core suite which to attach components IPB.

Now, I see that intend this but when that happens? Or, more precisely, when we see separate core of the current IPB forum?

A little tip for IPB developers: Stop wasting time with IPB 3.4.X. .. for wasting time in vain. On the other hand, do not overlook what I have said here in the post no.29:


Then, from what was said above, I added problem here:

which for me is not resolved.

So, we see in this year IPB core separate from IPB forum ?

Just run this SQL Query in your Database...

UPDATE `YOURDATABASENAME`.`core_applications` SET `app_enabled` = '0' WHERE `core_applications`.`app_id` =3;

make sure to Recache Apps & Modules for forums to be disabled 100%.
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