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ssh program for newbie

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Ok looking for a ssh program for a complete newb at doing console stuff.

Due to recent events my host is going to allow me to ssh into my hosting and see what processes I'm on, they have told me I'm on my own and can't affect anyone else's hosting space or the security of the server.

So looking for some advice and even some good places to read up doing things. Mainly to allow me to find out what's suddenly decided to use almost 500 mbs of ram on a server with a population of 1-5 at most + search engines.

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the first thing to do is creating the command to dump the database. In my opinion the most important.

The command via Putty will allow you to backup your db in a few seconds, and to store it inside a remote folder

On my servers I usually protect a random-name folder with .htaccess file ( login aut with user and password)

Normally the command is:

/usr/bin/mysqldump -uuser -ppassword databasename > /path_to/anyfolder/nameofdump.sql

The path of the command mysqldump is related to the webserver configuration, you have to ask you hosting a suggestion about

When the dump is done you can go via FTP to the folder you dumped inside and download the file.sql to your pc.

Sofisticated options are possible: you can define a cron, storing the dump in another webspace for example....

Enjoy your Putty

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+1 für WinSCP. WinSCP is a way to use SSH like it were FTP. You can still use all linux commands. But you have GUI for common things, like renaming files, setting permissions, deleting or creating new files without writing single linux command.

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+1 für WinSCP. WinSCP is a way to use SSH like it were FTP. You can still use all linux commands. But you have GUI for common things, like renaming files, setting permissions, deleting or creating new files without writing single linux command.

Yup. And this is what I do like mostly. From Win pc.

Of course from Osx I use the terminal, with some google search for commands :tongue:

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