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Download: Elite Ladders SSO

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File Name: Elite Ladders SSO
File Submitter: JLogica
File Submitted: 25 Aug 2012
File Category: Generic Tools

Single Sign On for Elite Ladders snippet from their site;

Please Note:

  • for ipBoard v3.3.x use v1.x (SSO System)
  • for ipBoard v3.4.x use v2.x (ipConnect) Beta

Elite Ladders - Leagues, tournaments and online game battles script

Elite Gaming Ladders, the world's leading supplier of online game battle, ladder and tournament scripts, continues to evolve with the release of EGL Advanced, with much additional programming and many features added. Contact us to discuss your requirements and show you how an Elite Ladders gaming script can take your gaming project to the next level.

Please note until Elite Ladders releases a patch for SSO/ipConnect processing support you will need to rename/replace one core file.

Click here to download this file

To test out the demo link to see that you can login just visit the "forums" link on the EL page.

Everything has been running smooth for myself with the SSO and EL.

But one thing that does seem to be a little finicky is for some reason IPB doesn't like certain characters/numbers in passwords. So if you are getting an "invalid login" try changing your password. Other than that, everything has been working as expected. And JLogica was a GREAT help with it!

  • 2 weeks later...

JLogica, I have noticed, that if and when, via ipb, you change a members "username" it screws things up through the bridge. For example, I changed my username, and it created another account for me on the ladder site.

Is there a way to fix this, so that if usernames are changed on ipb, those changes are reflected on ladder site?

Added to my tracker to look at later but the obvious answer is don't let them change their name for a clan isn't that almost cheating? You can go into EL delete their new account and manually rename the other if I remember their acp.


  • 2 months later...

Just finished alpha testing the ipBoard v3.4 ipConnect version of Elite Ladders SSO.

  • v2.0.0 is almost a total rewrite using the new ipConnect system .. note only available for ipBoard v3.4 use v1.x for ipBoard v3.3.x
  • Name changing from ipBoard reflects in the Elite Ladders side automatically
  • All login, registration, lost password etc handled by ipBoard
  • Login to one application and you are logged into all ipConnect aware applications

Although I think I have done this properly it is noted as beta until I receive feedback.

I will upgrade when 3.4 comes out and my skin can be updated and will let you know how it works.


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