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Are You A Human

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It seems to be working fine within the IP.Forum (e.g. Registration, guest post where allowed) but not for the Blog. (System 3.4.2, Blog 2.6.1)

Users always get the error saying they don't have permission to reply to this blog entry. However, when I exchange the PlayThru again with captcha leaving everything else like it should, a guest can do a post. Of course, the PlayThru is solved...

"Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available." [#1-global-comments-_add-2]

Any ideas?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Love this concept of Captcha. I've installed it after my upgrade from a 5 year old board to the latest IPB (v3.4.4) with ReCaptcha left me getting swamped by spam. It's only been a short time, but so far it looks like the spam has been stopped in its tracks. So Kudos for making an effective mechanism.

In the spirit of constructive feedback there's definitely some areas for improvement though

1) Lightbox integration:

If I set the captcha up in lightbox mode, then when a user goes to create a post the text "Play Thru Human Verification" appears, as if its the label for a required field. This is confusing for users and makes our site look broken.


2) Mobile

The captcha works great on mobile, but not particularly well within context of the mobile theme due to its width. It blows the width of the viewport on iPhones and the android devices I have tried, which means that you need to scroll right to use it. (You can't zoom out as this is disabled in the default mobile theme) Whilst it is still 100% usable, it does spoil the UX of the mobile site.

Maybe a suggestion for a future enhancement: Vertical games (rather than the current horizontal ones) This would make the most of space available on a mobile device.

3) Quick Reply to this Topic

The reply at the bottom of a thread doesn't have the captcha displayed. When a user submits they get an error "The administrator requires you to enter a verification code in order to post your message" at this point you are taken to the full posting page (not the quick reply) Whilst the post a user entered has not been lost, they do need to resubmit the post. This problem is compounded though if you are using lightbox as although you have been redirected to a page demanding you enter a verification code, that page has no verification for you to perform - You need to hit submit again for it to display.


I can see why lightbox mode is normally the preferred option, but when working with the standard IPB template I think it has some minor issues that need ironing out. For now im sticking with the embedded mode.

To see it action: www.talkrowing.co.uk (Hopefully the above post shows im not just spamming / promoting my website!)

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  • 7 months later...

This is probably the most successful alternative to CAPTCHA available and I've been using it for a year with great success rate. Sadly, I was forced to remove it after seeing a lot of "communication" error messages in the log. I'm not sure whether this has prevented (real) people from registering on my site or not but I couldn't take the chance anymore. Although "Are You A Human's Playthru" has been cracked ...

... it's still keeping spammers out, probably because spammers don't target "Are You A Human's Playthru" CAPTCHA alternative. Having said that, after switching over to reCAPTCHA I've had a massive registration of spammers (banned however) but using "Playthru" I had close to none, showing that "Playthru" is more effective or as said above, spammers don't target this alternative. I find reCAPTCHA close to useless as successrate to register is like 99% it seems. Soon humans will not be able to solve these CAPTCHAs and they'll probably be phased out as technology beats the human brain.

I was stupid enough to delete the error log so I can't paste the errors here. I will for sure add "Playthru" again if this plugin gets updated to fix any problems it may have.

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